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Hydraulic Fracturing

Chairman Hastings’ Statement on the President’s State of the Union Address

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the President’s State of the Union address: “Despite President Obama’s repeated claims of making job creation and economic growth a priority, the reality is that he has actively chosen to ignore the economic potential and job opportunities that come with expanding American energy…

Hydraulic Fracturing: The Key to American Energy, Jobs

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Shale oil and natural gas activity contributed over 1.7 million jobs in 2012 and will increase by over 45% to almost 2.5 million jobs in 2015. 500,000 non-oil and natural gas manufacturing jobs are supported by shale oil and natural gas.

The Obama Administration's proposed federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing would cost American jobs, decrease American energy production, increase energy prices, and harm economic growth.

Learn more about the bill here.

Business Groups, American Energy Producers & States Call for Passage of House Hydraulic Fracturing Legislation

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Today, the House of Representatives will consider of H.R. 2728, the Protecting States’ Rights to Promote Energy Security Act.  Over 27 groups from across the country are calling for passage of this bipartisan legislation that protects American jobs and prohibits the Interior Department from enforcing federal hydraulic fracturing regulations in any state that already has in…

Chairman Hastings' Op-Ed in The Daily Caller: Protecting the States’ Right to Regulate Hydraulic Fracturing

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Protecting the States’ Right to Regulate Hydraulic Fracturing By House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings The Daily Caller 11/19/2013 Hardworking American families have long been feeling the effects of anemic economic growth, unemployment that’s been too high for too long, and energy prices that should not be the new normal. There’s no doubt that it’s time for change.…

Fracturing Facts

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Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will consider H.R. 2728, the Protecting States’ Rights to Promote Energy Security Act, legislation to protect American jobs and energy production by limiting the Obama Administration’s ability to impose duplicative federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing. Learn more about how the use of hydraulic fracturing is turning the U.S. into a world energy…

How Hydraulic Fracturing Can Help Lower Gasoline Prices

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In a recent article in The Atlantic, Karl Smith from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, explains how hydraulic fracturing could help end gasoline price volatility.  Hydraulic fracturing allows the development of oil reserves that have previously been unreachable with other forms of energy exploration. While a traditional well may produce 50 barrels of oil per day, a…

Committee Approves Bipartisan Bill to Prevent Duplicative Federal Hydraulic Fracturing Regulations

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee approved H.R. 2728, the Protecting States’ Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act by a bipartisan vote of 23-15. This bill, authored by Rep. Bill Flores (TX-17), would protect American jobs and American energy production by limiting the Obama Administration’s ability to impose duplicative regulations on hydraulic fracturing on federal…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Fuel Fix – Jennifer A. Dlouhy: “Flores: Fracturing rules would give feds a foot in the door” Washington Times – Ben Wolfgang and Dave Boyer: “Keystone pipeline supporters slam Obama’s skeptical comments on economic impact” Fuel Fix – Emily Pickrell: “Texas will continue to lead US oil boom” Cortez Journal – Jim Mimiaga:…