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Press Release

Committee Approves Bipartisan Bill to Prevent Duplicative Federal Hydraulic Fracturing Regulations

Legislation Protects American Jobs, Energy Production, States’ Rights

Today, the House Natural Resources Committee approved H.R. 2728, the Protecting States’ Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act by a bipartisan vote of 23-15. This bill, authored by Rep. Bill Flores (TX-17), would protect American jobs and American energy production by limiting the Obama Administration’s ability to impose duplicative regulations on hydraulic fracturing on federal lands. The Committee also approved an amendment offered by Rep. Markwayne Mullin (OK-02) to protect tribal nations from being forced to follow federal hydraulic fracturing regulations on their lands.

Specifically, this bipartisan legislation would prohibit the Interior Department from enforcing federal hydraulic fracturing regulations in any state that already has regulations and recognizes states’ authority to regulate this type of activity. For the past 60 years, states have safely and successfully regulated the process of hydraulic fracturing. To date, there has not been one instance of groundwater contamination – as the numerous officials with the Obama Administration have admitted. Even with successful state regulation, the Department of the Interior this year announced proposed regulations on hydraulic fracturing on federal lands, which will cost jobs and decrease energy production by adding costly and burdensome layers of red tape.

“There are vast differences in geology that have to be addressed as we produce energy across America and H.R. 2728 will protect the state-driven, bottom up approach to oil and gas regulations. This legislation is about bolstering manufacturing jobs, reaching our nation’s goal of energy security and empowering local self-government while placing a check on the growth of out-of-control, top down federal government. I am appreciative of the Chairman’s leadership and proud that this bipartisan bill passed through the Natural Resources Committee. I will continue to work with the Committee to bring it before the whole House,” said Rep Bill Flores (TX-17).

“Yesterday, President Obama said that America needs to develop more of its natural gas resources to reduce energy costs and create jobs. This legislation would make sure that happens by protecting states’ rights to regulate hydraulic fracturing and prohibiting the federal government from imposing bureaucratic rules and regulations that will only hurt American jobs and stand in the way of American energy production. We all want American energy production to be the safest in the world and this bill does not prevent the federal government from implementing baseline standards in states where none exist. It simply prevents the federal government from wasting time and resources imposing duplicative regulations,” said Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings.


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