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Hastings to Secretary Salazar on DOI's Failure to Cooperate With One Year Investigation and Subpoena for Drilling Moratorium Documents: "If the Department has nothing to hide, then it should stop hiding..."

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today sent a letter to Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar regarding the Department’s refusal to comply with a subpoena issued for documents related to the Obama Administration’s decision to impose a drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico, the circumstances surrounding the imposition of the 6-month Gulf of…

Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Response to Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn's Request for Additional Information Relating to the Gulf Drilling Moratorium Report

| Posted in Letters

Dear Mr. Chairmen: This is in response to your April 6, 2012 request for additional documents and information relating to the report from my office entitled, "Federal Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling." Read the entire letter HERE.

Indian Tribal Leaders Raise Concerns About Lack of BLM Consultation with Tribes During Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking

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Today, the Subcommittee on Indians and Alaska Native Affairs held an oversight hearing on the “Bureau of Land Management’s Hydraulic Fracturing Rule’s Impact on Indian Tribal Energy Development.” Indian Tribal lands hold a significant amount of oil and natural gas that could help Tribes create jobs, spur economic development and help improve education, health and infrastructure.…

Amodei Introduces Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act

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Today, in the spirit of House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative, Rep. Mark Amodei (NV-02) introduced H.R. 4402, the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2012, to allow the United States to more efficiently develop our Nation's strategic and critical minerals, such as rare earth elements, that are vital to job creation, American economic competitiveness and…

Natural Resources Republicans Unveil Legislation to Expand Onshore American Energy Production, Lower Gas Prices

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In the spirit of House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative, Republican Members of the Natural Resources Committee today unveiled a series of bills to expand onshore American energy production, lower gasoline prices and create new American jobs. The three all-of-the-above onshore energy bills would streamline government hurdles and regulations that block and delay development of our…

Anti-Energy Groups Line-up to Support President Obama—Know His Rhetoric on 'All-of-the-Above' Energy is Just Talk

| Posted in Hot Air Alert
Tags: Energy

As President Obama campaigns around the country claiming support for an all-of-the-above energy plan, his Administration is simultaneously working in Washington D.C. to block and restrict access to American oil, natural gas and coal energy production. While President Obama may be working to fool the American public into believing he supports expanded oil and natural gas production, his…

Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Response to the Committee's Subpoena for Documents Relating to the Gulf Drilling Moratorium Report

| Posted in Letters

Dear Mr. Chairman: On April 11, 2012, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) received a subpoena from the House Committee on Natural Resources (Committee) commanding production of: Unredacted and complete copies of: All documents identified on the enclosure (Bates number 00032227 SOL-WDC-B01-00001-00000I) to the Department of the Interior's October 13, 2011 letter to the Committee…

Hastings: President Obama Should Support Bipartisan Plan to Increase American Energy Production and Reduce Price at the Pump

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement after President Obama failed to announce a plan to increase American energy production to help lower gasoline prices but instead proposed spending $52 million on more federal regulations that will not ease the pain at the pump. This tired campaign to blame speculators for rising gasoline…

Interior Department Disregards President Obama's Transparency Pledge, Fails to Comply with Subpoena on Coal Regulations that Internal Documents Show Would Destroy Thousands of American Jobs

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the Department of the Interior failed to provide the documents requested in the April 4, 2012 subpoena related to the Committee’s more than year-long investigation into the Obama Administration’s rewrite of a coal production regulation, the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule: “The Obama…

19 Members of Pacific Northwest Delegation Bipartisan Letter to Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu Regarding His Recent Power Marketing Administrations Memorandum

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Dear Secretary Chu: We write with deep concern regarding your March 16, 2012 Memorandum to the Power Market Administrators. While many of the Memorandum's goals may have merit, these directives - and the manner in which your Department has relayed them - have created considerable consternation and confusion in the Pacific Northwest and amongst some of our constituents. Since the…