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19 Members of Pacific Northwest Delegation Bipartisan Letter to Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu Regarding His Recent Power Marketing Administrations Memorandum

Dear Secretary Chu:

We write with deep concern regarding your March 16, 2012 Memorandum to the Power Market Administrators. While many of the Memorandum's goals may have merit, these directives - and the manner in which your Department has relayed them - have created considerable consternation and confusion in the Pacific Northwest and amongst some of our constituents.

Since the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) was established 75 years ago, Congress has expanded and refined the Administration's governing statutes, each time providing specific responsibilities and directions. We are concerned that the March 16th Memorandum suggests that the Department appears to be considering a role for BPA that disregards Congressional intent and exceeds BPA's current statutory authority.

Read the entire letter HERE.