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Offshore Drilling

Hastings: Republican Budget Prioritizes American Energy to Create New Jobs and Increase Revenues

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement praising the Republican budget released today by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan: “The Republican budget is a responsible plan to cut spending, lower the debt, and ensure long-term job and economic growth. It prioritizes expanded American energy production and recognizes that new…

Chairman Hastings’ Statement on the President’s State of the Union Address

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the President’s State of the Union address: “Despite President Obama’s repeated claims of making job creation and economic growth a priority, the reality is that he has actively chosen to ignore the economic potential and job opportunities that come with expanding American energy…

Witnesses, Members Agree Now is the Time for Seismic Exploration in the Atlantic OCS

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Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held an oversight hearing entitled “The Science Behind Discovery: Seismic Exploration and the Future of the Atlantic OCS.” This hearing examined the technological advancements in seismic technology, continued delays by the Obama Administration for seismic research, and the role seismic exploration plays in future offshore energy…

NEW Study Shows Job & Economic Surge from Increased Offshore Energy Production

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A new study released today shows that increasing America’s offshore energy production in the mid and south Atlantic will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs and drastically grow America’s economy. “Today’s study further confirms that increased offshore energy production will create American jobs, spur economic growth, lower energy prices, and bring in much-needed tax revenue to…

Five Ways President Obama Can Support New American Energy Jobs

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While President Obama prepares to deliver yet another speech on the economy today, Republicans on the House Natural Resources Committee have been advancing legislation to put Americans back to work and unlock access to our U.S. energy resources. Expanding American energy production, both onshore and offshore, is one of the best ways to create over a million new jobs and spur economic…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: The Hill – Ben Geman: “Interior Department slams Senate energy revenue-sharing bill” Roll Call – Ambreen Ali: “Alaska Governor Pursues New Strategy in Push to Open Arctic Refuge to Drilling” Associated Press: “Kansas regulators considering new fracking rules” Courthouse News Service – Tim Hull: “Sea Lion Concerns Justify…

Outer Continental Shelf Governor’s Coalition Encourages Congress to Support Expanded Offshore American Energy Production

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Outer Continental Shelf Governor’s Coalition Encourages Congress to Support Expanded Offshore American Energy Production Just like rising temperatures across America, gas prices are on the rise too and calls for lower energy prices are growing. This week, the Outer Continental Shelf Governor’s Coalition, comprised of Governors from Alaska, Louisiana, Texas,…

VIDEO: Chairman Hastings Speaks in Support of H.R. 1613

| Posted in Floor Statements

Natural Resources Chairman Doc Hastings spoke on the House floor today in support of H.R. 1613, legislation that will create certainty needed to move forward with offshore energy development in certain areas in the Gulf of Mexico along our nation’s maritime boundary with Mexico. "Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H.R. 1613, the Outer Continental Shelf Transboundary…