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House Approves Legislation to Preserve Nation’s Helium Supply

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The House of Representatives today approved, by a unanimous vote of 367-0, H. Res 354, to amend the Senate’s amendment to H.R. 527, the Helium Stewardship Act. The Helium Stewardship Act, as amended by the House, is a bipartisan, common sense action plan to preserve our Nation’s helium supply, close the helium reserve once and for all - getting the federal government out of the helium…

Vote today to pass the "Helium Stewardship Act"

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Today, the House will have an opportunity to pass the "Helium Stewardship Act" and send to the Senate for final consideration a bill that preserves our Nation's helium supply, closes the helium reserve once and for all - getting the federal government out of the helium business, and reduces the deficit by $90 million. • The House passed H.R. 527, the "Helium Stewardship Act,"…

ICYMI: A look into Magnuson-Stevens with On the Record with Greta Van Susteren

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Last week, On the Record with Greta Van Susteren took a look at Northeastern fishermen whose businesses have been affected by the Magnuson-Stevens Act. On Wednesday, the House Natural Resources held a hearing on the "Re-authorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act" where witnesses called for increased flexibility in the Re-authorization of the act.

Witnesses Tell the Obama Administration to STOP Costly & Job Destroying Coal Regulations

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Today, the House Natural Resources Subcommittee held a legislative hearing on H.R. 2824, the Preventing Government Waste and Protecting Coal Mining Jobs in America Act, legislation to protect American jobs, save taxpayer dollars, and support U.S. energy production by stopping the Obama Administration from imposing coal regulations that would cost thousands of American jobs and devastate…

Hastings, McClintock Applaud Senate Passage of House Bill to Expand Renewable Hydropower Production

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) and Water and Power Subcommittee Chairman Tom McClintock (CA-04) today applauded the Senate passage of H.R. 678, the Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower Development and Rural Jobs Act, which would create new American jobs and by authorizing more production of clean, renewable hydropower and eliminating bureaucratic…

Committee Approves Legislation to Strengthen Rural Communities and Schools, Help Prevent Catastrophic Wildfires

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee passed H.R. 1526, the “Restoring Healthy Forest for Healthy Communities Act” by a voice vote. This legislation renews the federal government’s commitment to manage federal forests for the benefit of rural schools and counties, improves forest health and helps prevent catastrophic wildfires. “Across our country, rural forest communities…

Committee Approves Bipartisan Bill to Prevent Duplicative Federal Hydraulic Fracturing Regulations

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee approved H.R. 2728, the Protecting States’ Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act by a bipartisan vote of 23-15. This bill, authored by Rep. Bill Flores (TX-17), would protect American jobs and American energy production by limiting the Obama Administration’s ability to impose duplicative regulations on hydraulic fracturing on federal…

ICYMI: President Obama’s low-ball estimate for Keystone XL jobs

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President Obama’s low-ball estimate for Keystone XL jobs By Glenn Kessler 7/30/2013  “My hope would be that any reporter who is looking at the facts would take the time to confirm that the most realistic estimates are this might create maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline — which might take a year or two — and then after that we’re talking about somewhere…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Fuel Fix – Jennifer A. Dlouhy: “Flores: Fracturing rules would give feds a foot in the door” Washington Times – Ben Wolfgang and Dave Boyer: “Keystone pipeline supporters slam Obama’s skeptical comments on economic impact” Fuel Fix – Emily Pickrell: “Texas will continue to lead US oil boom” Cortez Journal – Jim Mimiaga:…