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Hastings: President's Offshore Drilling Plan is a Giant Step Backwards for American Energy Production and Job Creation

| Posted in Floor Statements

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following opening statement on the House floor today on H.R. 6018, President Obama’s Job-Limiting, Energy-Restricting Offshore Plan. “The bill we are now considering, HR 6168, is a very simple bill. It would implement President Obama’s proposed offshore drilling lease plan for 2012-2017. Late yesterday, the…

Chairman Hastings' Floor Statement on the Congressional Replacement of President Obama's No-New-Drilling, No-New-Jobs Offshore Plan

| Posted in Floor Statements

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following opening statement on the House floor today in support of H.R. 6082, the Congressional Replacement of President Obama’s Energy-Restricting and Job-Limiting Offshore Drilling Plan. “Under the shadow of the Supreme Court’s ruling on Obamacare, the Obama Administration on June 28th quietly announced the…

Decision Time: House to Take Direct Votes on Both President Obama's Proposed Offshore Leasing Plan and Bipartisan Replacement Plan to Boost American Energy and Jobs

| Posted in Press Release

Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will vote on two distinct visions for America’s energy future: 1) H.R. 6168, “President Obama’s Proposed 2012-2017 Offshore Drilling Lease Sale Plan Act”, which locks-away 85 percent of America’s offshore from energy production and reimposes the pre-2008 offshore moratoria, or 2) H.R. 6082, the “Congressional Replacement of President Obama’s…

Interior Department Defies Subpoena for Documents and Now Refuses to Commit Witnesses to Attend Hearing to Answer Questions on Gulf Drilling Moratorium

| Posted in Press Release

The Department of the Interior has refused to confirm that it will make available five Department officials invited to testify and answer questions at a Full Committee hearing on Wednesday regarding the May 2010 Interior Department action to impose a six-month drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico and the Department’s report that falsely stated independent engineers had peer reviewed…

All Witnesses Agree: Litigation, Red Tape Fuel Megafires that Damage Forests, Communities, and Species

| Posted in Press Release

Today, the House Natural Resources Committee held an oversight hearing on, “The Impact of Catastrophic Forest Fires and Litigation on People and Endangered Species: Time for Rational Management of our Nation's Forests.” The hearing focused on the devastating impacts of catastrophic wildfires on people and species and how Endangered Species Act litigation blocks activities that help…

Chairman Hastings' Op-Ed in The Hill: President Obama's offshore drilling plan must be replaced

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

President Obama’s offshore drilling plan must be replaced By: House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings The Hill July 23, 2012 While the American people and news media were distracted by the Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare, the Obama Administration quietly released its final proposed offshore drilling plan for the next five years. Though President Obama uses…

Witnesses Emphasize Need for Bills to Reduce Risk of Megafires to Aid Forest Health, Protect Local Communities, Create Jobs

| Posted in Press Release

Today, the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands held a hearing on legislation intended to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires, restore forest health, and address factors that contribute to insect infestation and wildfire. Decades of severe mismanagement of our public lands have contributed to increased forest density, overgrowth, and insect infestation,…

Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Response to Chairman Hastings' Request for Information on the Department of the Interior's Renewable Energy Programs

| Posted in Letters

Dear Mr. Chairman: This responds to your letter of May 30, 2012, in which you requested the following information... The lists you requested are enclosed. We also enclose lists of other energy-related IG reviews that are not specifically focused on renewable energy, as these reflect a significant body of our work. You will notice that an evaluation conducted in 2010 on renewable energy…