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After Four Years of President Obama, Gasoline Prices Still Rising While Economy Continues to Sputter

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For the third time during the Obama Administration, gasoline prices are closing in on a national average of $4.00 per gallon, although many across the country are already paying much more. Since President Obama took office, gasoline prices have more than doubled from $1.84 per gallon to a painful $3.90 per gallon as of September 10, 2012. Source: Energy Information Administration With…

Chairman Hastings Correspondence with Former White House Aide Joseph Aldy Regarding Regarding Role in Producing the Gulf Drilling Moratorium Report

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Dear Mr. Aldy: On May 27, 2010, the Department of the Interior ("Department") issued a final report entitled "Increased Safety Measures for Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf' ("Drilling Moratorium Report") that recommended a moratorium on otlshore oil and gas drilling. The Executive Summary of the Drilling Moratorium Report incorrectly stated that peer reviewers had…

Two Department Officials Called to Testify on Edits made to Gulf Drilling Moratorium Report, Issued Subpoenas for Documents

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today sent letters to two Interior Department officials inviting them to appear at a Full Committee hearing on September 13, 2012 to answer questions regarding the Department of the Interior’s Drilling Moratorium Report that was edited to appear as though the moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico was supported by a panel of…

Chairman Hastings Invitation Letter to Department of the Interior Officials Neal Kemkar and Mary Katherine Ishee to Testify at Full Committee Oversight Hearing

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Dear Mr. Kemkar and Ms. Ishee: On July 18, 2012, you were both invited to voluntarily appear at a planned July 25, 2012 Committee on Natural Resources (“Committee”) hearing regarding the Obama Administration’s decision imposing a Gulf of Mexico drilling moratorium and the drafting and editing of the May 27, 2010 report entitled, “Increased Safety Measures for Energy Development on the…

Secretary Chu Again Invited to Testify on Memorandum Directives that Could Increase Electricity Rates for Over 40 Million Americans

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today sent a letter to Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Steven Chu inviting him to testify at a Full Committee hearing on Tuesday, September 11th regarding his Memorandum to the Power Marketing Administrations (PMAs). Secretary Chu was originally invited to testify at a hearing on April 26, 2012, but declined due to…

Chairman Hastings Second Invitation Letter to Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu to Testify on His Recent Power Marketing Administrations Memorandum

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Dear Secretary Chu: As you know, your March 16, 2012 Memorandum to the Power Marketing Administrations (PMAs) has generated many questions and controversy. As a result, both Republican and Democratic House Members and Senators have joined together to send letters of concern over your proposal and the House passed a bipartisan proposal as part of an appropriations measure to prohibit…

Hurricane Isaac Threatens Gulf Communities, U.S. Energy Production and Gas Prices

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While Gulf Coast communities brace for Hurricane Isaac, the storm has already had a significant impact on oil and natural gas production. According to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), over 93 percent of the current daily oil production in the Gulf of Mexico has been shut-in and over 64 percent of the rigs have been evacuated. This highlights the threat posed to…

Hastings: Americans Need Governor Romney's Vision for American Energy Production, Can't Afford More Failed Obama Policies

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement regarding Governor Mitt Romney’s comprehensive, true all-of-the-above energy plan to create millions of new jobs with American energy resources. “For the last three and half years out-of-work Americans have been ignored, consumers have seen gasoline prices skyrocket and the American…

Chairman Hastings Follow-up Letter to Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall on the Department of the Interior's Renewable Energy Programs

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Dear Ms. Kendall: For several months, the Committee on Natural Resources has been looking into questions about possible political interference, lack of independence, and conflict of interest involving an investigation by the Office of Inspector General (“IG”) into the editing of a Department of the Interior offshore drilling report in May 2010. In order to learn more about the…

Gasoline Prices Set Record High as U.S. Becomes More Dependent on Foreign Oil

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AAA announced today that the national average price of gasoline reached $3.72 per gallon– the highest price on record for August 20th and a 12 percent increase since July 1st. Unfortunately, gasoline prices aren’t the only thing increasing, so is our Nation’s dependence on foreign oil. The New York Times recently reported that: “The United States is increasing its dependence on oil…