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Press Release

Hastings: Americans Need Governor Romney's Vision for American Energy Production, Can't Afford More Failed Obama Policies

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement regarding Governor Mitt Romney’s comprehensive, true all-of-the-above energy plan to create millions of new jobs with American energy resources.

“For the last three and half years out-of-work Americans have been ignored, consumers have seen gasoline prices skyrocket and the American economy has been stifled thanks to President Obama’s failed energy policies. President Obama has gone out of his way to increase American dependence on dangerous foreign countries for energy by locking up America’s vast energy resources, waging a war on coal, placing a moratorium on 85 percent of offshore areas, slow-walking wind and solar development, and canceling energy leases while imposing onerous regulations for onshore oil and natural gas production. Because of President Obama, there is no question that America’s energy security is worse off that it was four years ago.

“The energy plan outlined by Governor Romney today is a comprehensive vision for the future of American energy production that stands in stark contrast to the Obama Administration’s failed no-new-energy, no-new-jobs strategy. Governor Romney understands robust, all-of-the-above American energy production will lead to new job creation, stronger American manufacturing and less dependence on unstable foreign countries for energy. The American people simply cannot afford another four years of energy policies that take the country in the wrong direction and weaken our national security.”


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