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Job Creation

182 Members Send Bipartisan Letter Calling on Obama Administration to Open New Offshore Areas to American Energy Production, Job Creation

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Spearheaded by Natural Resources Committee Members Bill Flores (TX-17) and Rob Wittman (VA-01), 182 Members today sent a bipartisan letter to Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar requesting new, expanded access to offshore energy production in order to create new American jobs, reduce our reliance on foreign energy and generate new revenue. Last November, the Obama…

Water Storage Vital to Rural Communities, Job Creation, Economic Growth

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The House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power held an oversight hearing today on “Water for Our Future and Job Creation: Examining Regulatory and Bureaucratic Barriers to New Surface Storage Infrastructure.” The hearing highlighted the regulatory burdens that hinder vital water storage improvement projects that help create jobs, increase agriculture production, generate…

Natural Resources Committee Maintains Aggressive Oversight of Obama Administration's Overregulation of Hydraulic Fracturing

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The Obama Administration’s Interior Department is one step closer to imposing new federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing on federal lands—a long standing drilling technique that is necessary to extract oil and natural gas from shale reservoirs. A draft copy of the new regulations, reported last Thursday by Politico, show that the Obama Administration is preparing to add significant…

Video Blog: Natural Resources Committee Jobs Watch - Rep. Johnson

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House Natural Resources Committee Republicans are committed to putting Americans back to work by enacting policies that embrace America’s abundant natural resources to help create jobs and grow our economy. Meet Freshman Committee Member Bill Johnson from Ohio’s Sixth Congressional District. Ohio is home to several coal-fired power plants, which provide hundreds of good-paying…

Obama Administration Announces Plan to Block U.S. Oil Shale Development and U.S. Job Creation

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement today regarding the draft Bureau of Land Management plan to close public lands in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming to oil shale development: “The distinction between the pro-American job policies of House Republicans and the anti-American energy policies of the Obama Administration could not be…

Chairman Hastings Statement on January Jobs Report

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement on today’s January job numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: “While any jobs added are a good sign, another month of high unemployment continues to leave too many people asking, ‘Where are the jobs?’ President Obama is campaigning around the country on a message of increased…

Natural Resources Committee Passes Bipartisan Components of American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act

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The House Natural Resources Committee today passed three bipartisan American energy bills that are important components of the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, which will create over a million good-paying jobs, remove government barriers to American energy production, make America more energy secure, and help repair our roads and bridges without raising taxes. “This…

Business and Labor Organizations Support Republican Plan to Expand American Energy Production, Create Jobs, and Fund Critical Infrastructure

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Organizations representing various sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, and energy are joining multiple labor unions to call for passage of energy portions of the American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act, a common sense Republican plan to expand American energy production, create jobs and fund high-priority infrastructure projects. What They’re Saying: U.S. Chamber of…

Committee Passes Bipartisan Bill to Open 3% of ANWR for New American Energy Production, Job Creation

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The House Natural Resources Committee today passed by a bipartisan vote of 29 to 13—26 Republicans and 3 Democrats—legislation to open less than 3% of ANWR to American energy production. This measure is one of the energy components of the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, a plan to link expanded energy production with infrastructure projects. This plan will create tens of…