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Press Release

Chairman Hastings Statement on January Jobs Report

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement on today’s January job numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

“While any jobs added are a good sign, another month of high unemployment continues to leave too many people asking, ‘Where are the jobs?’ President Obama is campaigning around the country on a message of increased American energy production that his policies have not helped create. House Republicans aren’t just talking about energy production and job creation—we’re proposing real plans that would actually do what the President is trying to take credit for doing. Wednesday, the Natural Resources Committee passed three American energy bills—that would create over 1.2 million jobs, significantly increase energy production, grow the economy and make America more energy secure. House Republicans are ready to put a plan into action to help America’s unemployed. The question is—will President Obama and Senate Democrats follow through or are they all talk and no action?”


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