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Local Business Owners Thankful for Job Creation Benefits of American Energy Production on Private and State Lands

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Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held an oversight hearing on “America’s Onshore Energy Resources: Creating Jobs, Securing America, and Lowering Prices.” The hearing was an opportunity to hear from witnesses who own and operate businesses that have benefited from increased production of American oil and natural gas on state and private lands and examine why those…

Documents Requested on Whether Interior Department and Inspector General are Actively Pursuing Ethics Investigations

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today sent a letter to Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar seeking further information on the operations and activities of the Department’s Ethics Office. For the past year, the Committee has conducted oversight of how political appointees and senior career officials within the Department are complying with…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary Salazar Requesting Additional Documents Regarding the Interior Department's Ethics Office Investigations

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Dear Secretary Salazar: It is paramount that the American people have confidence that the Department of the Interior (“Department”) officials who manage federal lands and resources on their behalf are acting with the highest of ethical standards. Since last year, the Committee on Natural Resources (“Committee”) has been conducting oversight of how political appointees and senior career…

Chairman Hastings Honored by National Energy Group for Public Service

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Today, Chairman Hastings accepted the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Public Service Award at their Legislative Rally in Washington, D.C. Initiated in 1978, the award recognizes elected officials whose activities have furthered the objectives of public power. Chairman Hastings has been a voice for the needs of the public power community, particularly regarding matters…

Houston Chronicle: Offshore unit draws lawmaker's scrutiny

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Offshore unit draws lawmaker's scrutiny By Jennifer A. Dlouhy March 11, 2013 A top congressional Republican wants to know more about a new Interior Department team dedicated to rooting out wrongdoing by companies drilling offshore and the government officials who police them. The man behind the push, Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Wash., heads the House Natural Resources Committee and is a…

Chairman Hastings Questions Interior Department on Potentially Economically Devastating Sage-Grouse Endangered Species Listing

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At the beginning of this Administration, President Obama placed significant emphasis on the importance of scientific integrity in his Administration's policies and practices. In the President's March 9, 2009 Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, he stated that "[t]he public must be able to trust the science and scientific process informing public policy…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar Regarding the Investigations and Review Unit

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Dear Secretary Salazar: The Department of the Interior ("Department") established the Investigations and Review Unit ("IRU") in 2010, reportedly to respond to allegations of wrongdoing and unethical behavior by the offshore oil and gas industry and the Department officials who regulate those activities and to help coordinate the Department's response to significant…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar Regarding the Administration's Policies and Practices of Scientific Integrity

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Dear Mr. Secretary: At the beginning of this Administration, President Obama placed significant emphasis on the importance of scientific integrity in his Administration's policies and practices. In the President's March 9, 2009 Memorandum tor the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, he stated that "[t]he public must be able to trust the science and scientific…