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E&E Daily: Subcommittee wrangles bills on 'escape artist' snakes, polar bears, Asian carp

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A House Natural Resources subcommittee heard testimony yesterday on four bills on a variety of wildlife species -- one to lift restrictions on polar bear trophies, another to allow the export of certain protected snakes and two to combat an invasion of Asian carp. The Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs took up Alaska Republican Don Young's H.R. 1818, which…

Houston Chronicle: Offshore unit draws lawmaker's scrutiny

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Offshore unit draws lawmaker's scrutiny By Jennifer A. Dlouhy March 11, 2013 A top congressional Republican wants to know more about a new Interior Department team dedicated to rooting out wrongdoing by companies drilling offshore and the government officials who police them. The man behind the push, Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Wash., heads the House Natural Resources Committee and is a…

From the Headlines: Gasoline Prices Rise for 32 Days Straight, Hit American Families at Worst Possible Time

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Yesterday marked 32 days in a row of increased gasoline prices, a 13 percent jump, according to the Automobile Association of America (AAA), which estimates the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline is $3.74. When President Obama took office in January 2009, the average price for gallon of gasoline was $1.84. Since taking office, President Obama has prevented new American…

USA Today: Interior inspector defends impartiality in report probe

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Interior inspector defends impartiality in report probe By: Gregory Korte USA Today May 23, 2012 When questions came up about how the White House edited an Interior Department report to justify a moratorium on offshore drilling, acting Inspector General Mary Kendall investigated and reported back to Congress only that the report "could have been more clearly worded." Now documents…

FOX News Special Report: House panel clears way for administration subpoenas on drilling, coal regulation probes

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House panel clears way for administration subpoenas on drilling, coal reg probes Published March 28, 2012 A House Committee voted Wednesday to clear the way to subpoena the Obama administration over two separate probes -- one concerning allegations dating back to the BP spill that it misrepresented a report on the temporary offshore drilling ban. The 23-17 vote along…

ABC News: Obama OKs Oil Exploration Along Atlantic Coast, But Not Drilling

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Obama OKs Oil Exploration Along Atlantic Coast, But Not Drilling By Devin Dwyer ABC News March 28, 2012 The Obama administration today endorsed new oil and gas exploration along the Atlantic Coast, setting the stage for possible future drilling lease sales. The announcement by the Interior Department sets into motion what will be at least a five year environmental survey to determine…