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Chairman Hastings Second Follow-up Letters to Director Mathews Burwell, Secretary Vilsack, and Chief Tidwell Regarding Decision Making on the Secure Rural Schools Program

| Posted in Letters

Dear Director Matthews Burwell, Secretary Vilsack, and Chief Tidwell:: A letter was sent to the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") on May 20, 2013 requesting information about the Forest Service's ("Service") decision demanding that states repay Secure Rural Schools Program ("SRS") funds. OMB missed the Committee's June 3, 2013 deadline for response. The original letter sought…

Chairman Hastings Follow-up Letter to Secretary Jewell Regarding the Interior Department's National Blueways System

| Posted in Letters

For several months, many Members of Congress have opposed or had concerns with the Interior Department's National Blueways System (Secretarial Order 3321) due to the lack of transparency, accountability and communication. Indeed, you recently placed a "pause" on the implementation of this administratively created program. While we appreciate your action, it is clear that the Department's…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Acting Administrator Perciasepe Regarding the National Ocean Policy

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Dear Acting Administrator Perciasepe: The Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") is conducting oversight of the Obama Administration's development and implementation of its National Ocean Policy, which includes activities to develop ocean and coastal zoning plans, to regulate commercial and agricultural activities even in areas far removed from the coast, and to exclude local…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Chairwoman Sutley and Director Holdren Regarding the National Ocean Policy

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Dear Chairwoman Sutley and Director Holdren: A letter was sent to the National Ocean Council ("Council") on April 19, 2013 requesting that 15 categories of documents and information be provided to the Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") by May 10,2013. The Committee had previously requested much of the same information about the Obama Administration's ocean zoning plans in the…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary Vilsack Regarding the National Ocean Policy

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Dear Secretary Vilsack: The Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") is conducting oversight of the Obama Administration's development and implementation of its National Ocean Policy, which includes activities to develop ocean and coastal zoning plans, to regulate commercial and agricultural activities even in areas far removed from the coast, and to exclude local stakeholders from…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Acting Undersecretary Sullivan Regarding the National Ocean Policy

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Dear Acting Undersecretary Sullivan: The Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") is conducting oversight of the Obama Administration's development and implementation of its National Ocean Policy, which includes activities to develop ocean and coastal zoning plans, to regulate commercial and agricultural activities even in areas far removed from the coast, and to exclude local…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary Jewell Regarding the National Ocean Policy

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Dear Secretary Jewell: The Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") is conducting oversight of the Obama Administration's development and implementation of its National Ocean Policy, which includes activities to develop ocean and coastal zoning plans, to regulate commercial and agricultural activities even in areas far removed from the coast, and to exclude local stakeholders from…

Chairman Hastings Follow-up Letters to Director Mathews Burwell, Secretary Vilsack, and Chief Tidwell Regarding Decision Making on the Secure Rural Schools Program

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Dear Director Mathews Burwell, Secretary Vilsack, and Chief Tidwell: A letter was sent to the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") on May 20, 2013 requesting information about the Forest Service's ("Service") decision demanding that states repay Secure Rural Schools Program ("SRS") funds. OMB missed the Committee's June 3, 2013 deadline for response. The original letter sought…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary Jewell Seeking Further Information on the Interior Department's National Blueways Order

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Dear Secretary Jewell, As you know, for months many members of Congress have expressed concern regarding the lack of transparency and accountability in the implementation of Secretarial Order 3321 ("Order"). This Order establishes the "National Blueways System," which the Order describes as a headwaters to mouth approach to river management, and asserts that the Secretary may designate…

Letter to Secretary Jewell Regarding the Blueways Order

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Dear Secretary Jewell, We are concerned by the continuing lack of transparency and public process in your Department's implementation of Secretarial Order 3321 (Order), which claims the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to designate entire river watersheds as "National Blueways." We believe this Order is fundamentally flawed, runs counter to local conservation efforts, and…