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Letter to Secretary Jewell Regarding the Blueways Order

Dear Secretary Jewell,

We are concerned by the continuing lack of transparency and public process in your Department's implementation of Secretarial Order 3321 (Order), which claims the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to designate entire river watersheds as "National Blueways."

We believe this Order is fundamentally flawed, runs counter to local conservation efforts, and threatens to undermine state water law. These concerns were voiced loudly and clearly on April 25, 2013, when the House Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power heard testimony from Mr. Russell Boardman, a Supervisor of the Shoshone Conservation District. Mr. Boardman cited the lack of the Interior Department's public outreach to his local conservation district and other affected districts. In fact, he did not learn of the proposed Yellowstone Blueway until notified by Montana conservation district representatives, who had been approached by Interior official Rebecca Wodder.

Read the entire letter HERE.