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Chairman Hastings Follow-up Letter to Secretary Jewell Regarding the Interior Department's National Blueways System

For several months, many Members of Congress have opposed or had concerns with the Interior Department's National Blueways System (Secretarial Order 3321) due to the lack of transparency, accountability and communication. Indeed, you recently placed a "pause" on the implementation of this administratively created program. While we appreciate your action, it is clear that the Department's Blueways program still exists and could be implemented at any time in the future.

We find this troubling given the growing opposition to this program and our history of concern, which is outlined in an oversight letter sent on June 28, 2013 . That letter laid out a series of questions and document requests that would be helpful for the Committee and the
public to better understand how this program is actually being implemented as there are very few publicly available documents available.

Read the entire letter HERE.