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Press Release

Bishop Welcomes Yet Another Chance from Congress to Prevent Catastrophic Wildfire

Chairman Rob Bishop (R-Utah) issued the following statement today on the introduction of the 2018 farm bill, which includes forest management provisions that mirror H.R. 2936, the “Resilient Federal Forests Act,” which passed the Committee and the House with bipartisan support:  

“It’s great to see that folks realize the job isn’t done on forest management reform. Millions of acres have been needlessly lost each year because Congress wouldn’t get serious about preventing catastrophic wildfires. With this farm bill, we have an opportunity to take meaningful steps forward in addressing the problems behind severe, uncontrollable wildfires. We look forward to working with the House Agriculture Committee and other Members to ensure that we will not end up having the Schumer fires of 2018 on our hands.”


H.R. 2936 passed the Committee on June 27, 2017 and the House of Representatives on November 1, 2017.
