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Press Release

Bishop Calls Out Broken Legislative Process, Slams Senate Democrats on Forestry Failure

House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement today in response to voting no on the omnibus package passed by the House.   

“When the process is broken and negotiations take place behind closed doors in the Capitol, liberals and special interests always seem to get their way. That’s what happened here.

“Democrats, especially in the Senate, stood in the way of forest reform that could have prevented future catastrophic wildfires. When we have another record fire season we’ll look back at this bill as a missed opportunity. The fire-funding fix slightly improves the Forest Services’ flexibility, but, the bill does very little to restore the health of our nation’s forests. The Democrats and the litigation activists who back them simply dropped the ball. It is unfortunate that our forests and rural communities will be the ones who suffer from their ideological intransigence. We are not looking forward to the Schumer fires of 2018.”

