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Organizations Support Bipartisan Plan to Create New American Jobs and Expand Production of Clean, Renewable Hydropower

Organizations representing various sectors are calling for passage of H.R. 678, the Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower Development and Rural Jobs Act, a common sense bipartisan plan that authorizes clean, renewable hydropower development, streamlines the regulatory process, and reduces administrative costs for small canal and pipeline hydropower development projects. The House will vote on H.R. 678 this week.

What They’re Saying:

Family Farm Alliance
“Increased revenues from the sale of this renewable energy can result in a new source of funding for operating, maintaining, and rehabilitating our aging water delivery infrastructure at lower costs to farmers. And, importantly, irrigation water delivery services can continue while utilizing flows for clean, emissions-free ‘green’ energy production.”

National Water Resources Association
“NWRA members support a new role for water systems in helping alleviate the national need for clean, renewable electrical energy…H.R. 678 will create tremendous incentives for not only the Bureau [of Reclamation] but for the irrigation districts and water user associations that manage many of these facilities to move forward on small hydropower development.”

Association of California Water Agencies
“The potential for small scale hydropower development at Bureau facilities is great and this bill will help these projects move forward more quickly. H.R. 678 creates tremendous incentives for the Bureau of Reclamation and the irrigation districts that manage many of their facilities to move forward on small hydropower development.”

American Public Power Association
“This bill is a needed fix to a burdensome process…The energy potential for these smaller projects will help alleviate power costs across the nation once in use.”

Colorado River Energy Distributors Association
“CREDA supports H.R. 678 as an important piece of legislation that will enhance small hydropower development while ensuring the principle of ‘beneficiary pays’. CREDA urges passage of H.R. 678 as an important step to enhance the development of clean, renewable hydropower resources.”

Agri-Business Council of Arizona
“ABC supports H.R. 678. It is an important streamlining and cost saving bill that will make a lease of power privilege program more attractive to our members and others in Arizona, as well as in the other Western states.”

National Hydropower Association
“[T]here is tremendous untapped renewable hydropower potential in existing man‐made structures such as irrigation canals and other water conveyances, particularly those on the federal system. NHA supports H.R. 678 because it will help unlock these projects and provide affordable, reliable renewable energy across the West. These projects will also be a source of good‐paying jobs and bring additional economic opportunities to our nation’s rural communities.”


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