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Hastings Letter to President Obama Requesting Permanent Inspector General for the Interior Department

Dear Mr. President:

I write to request that you act without further delay to nominate a permanent Inspector General for the Department of the Interior ("Department"). The operations and management of the Department's Office of Inspector General ("IG") are in serious need of independent leadership. 

Nearly four years ago to the day, you appointed the Department's previous Inspector General, Earl Devaney, to lead the Recovery, Accountability and Transparency Board, leaving the Department without a permanent, independent watchdog. Since that time, there have been too many instances where the Department's IG office has been mismanaged by Deputy Inspector General Mary Kendall, serving as acting Inspector General, and IG Chief of Staff Stephen Hardgrove. For too long, their accommodation of the Department's leadership has compromised and undermined the professional work of the IG's career staff. It is time to end the decline in trust that has resulted from their administration of the IG and provide the office with a clear leader empowered with the authority that flows from the permanence and independence of a Presidential nomination and Senate confirmation.

Read the entire letter HERE.