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Committee Approves Motion Authorizing Chairman to Issue Subpoenas to Compel Obama Administration Witnesses to Appear to Answer Questions on Gulf Drilling Moratorium Report

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee approved a motion with a 26-17 vote to provide the Chairman with authority to issue subpoenas to five Obama Administration officials and potentially others who have direct knowledge or involvement in the drafting, editing or review of the Department of the Interior Drilling Moratorium Report that was edited to appear as though the moratorium…

Chairman Hastings Announces Full Committee Meeting to Consider Motion to Authorize Issuance of Subpoenas

| Posted in Committee Action

On Wednesday, August 1st the Natural Resources Committee will meet to consider a motion to authorize Chairman Hastings to issue subpoenas for five Interior Department officials, and others as may be necessary, to appear before the Committee to give testimony and answer questions. The agenda will also include the markup of a limited number of legislative bills to be reported to the House…

DOI Acting Inspector General Called to Testify Before Full House Natural Resources Committee

| Posted in Committee Action

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today invited the Department of the Interior’s Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall to testify at a Full Committee hearing on Thursday, August 2nd titled “Oversight of the Actions, Independence and Accountability of the Acting Inspector General of the Department of the Interior.” Click here to read the invite letter. The…

Chairman Hastings Invitation Letter to Interior Department Acting Inspector General to Testify at Full Committee Oversight Hearing

| Posted in Letters

Dear Ms. Kendall: The Committee on Natural Resources will hold an oversight hearing titled “Oversight of the Actions, Independence and Accountability of the Acting Inspector General of the Department of the Interior” on August 2, 2012.  The Committee requests your attendance at this hearing to provide testimony and to answer questions. Read the entire invitation letter HERE.

Bipartisan House of Reps. Approves Virginia Offshore Lease Sale that President Obama Canceled Indefinitely

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Today, in a bipartisan vote of 253-170, the House approved H.R. 6082, to replace President Obama’s no-new-jobs, no-new-drilling plan with a responsible, robust plan that offers 29 offshore lease sales, including Virginia Lease Sale 220 that was scheduled to take place in 2011 and has since been delayed and canceled by President Obama until at least 2017—six years after it was supposed to…

Hastings Praises Introduction of Bipartisan Senate Bill to Replace Obama's Offshore Drilling Plan

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings released the following statement today regarding the bipartisan offshore drilling bill introduced by U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), John Hoeven (R-ND), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Jim Webb (D-VA) and Mark Warner (D-VA): “The House has voted on a bipartisan basis to reject President Obama’s proposed offshore…

House Rejects President Obama's Offshore Plan, Embraces Bipartisan Replacement to Create American Jobs with New American Energy

| Posted in Press Release

Today, the House of Representatives, by a bipartisan vote of 164-261 rejected H.R. 6168, a bill to implement President Obama’s offshore drilling plan that places 85 percent of America’s offshore energy resources under lock-and-key. In a separate bipartisan vote of 253-170, the House approved H.R. 6082, to replace President Obama’s no-new-jobs, no-new-drilling plan with a robust plan that…