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Gov. Sean Parnell: What's the Hold-Up on Alaskan Oil?

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The Trans-Alaska Pipeline near Valdez, Alaska Finally, some welcome news from Washington: With a bipartisan voice, the House Natural Resources Committee passed H.R. 7, the American Energy Infrastructure & Jobs Act. This bill ties energy production to key projects that would generate well-paying jobs sorely needed for our…

American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act Creates OVER A MILLION New American Jobs

| Posted in Resourceful Information

Next week, the House of Representatives will vote on the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act (H.R.7), a bill that removes government barriers to energy production in order to create more than one million private-sector jobs and provide certainty for American businesses that depend on affordable energy. The Wall St. Journal this week reported that “an energy boom is revving up the…

Chairman Hastings' Op-Ed in The Hill: Actions louder than words when it comes to Obama's energy policies

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

Actions louder than words when it comes to Obama’s energy policies By House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings The Hill February 8, 2012 Those who heard President Obama’s recent State of the Union speech might have been confused when he got to the energy portion of his remarks. Echoing phrases long used by Republicans, such as “all-of-the-above energy,” the president…

Department of the Interior Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs Director Christopher Mansour Follow-up Letter to Chairman Hastings Regarding Request for Specified Documents on the 6-month Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Drilling Moratorium

| Posted in Letters

Dear Mr. Chairman, This letter responds to your letters dated January 25 and January 31, 2012, requesting additional information regarding the manner in which the scope of peer review was described in the Executive Summary of the Department of the Interior's (Department's) 2010 report entitled "Increased Safety Measures for Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf" (ISM Report).…

Subcommittee Chairman Young and Ranking Member Boren Joint Letter to Secretary Salazar Regarding Tribal Consultation on Hydraulic Fracturing

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Dear Secretary Salazar: It is our understanding that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is currently drafting regulations governing the production of oil and natural gas on Federal lands, including lands managed for the benefit of Indian tribes and their members. We further understand that as part of this regulatory process, the BLM is currently undergoing formal tribal consultations on…

182 Members Send Bipartisan Letter Calling on Obama Administration to Open New Offshore Areas to American Energy Production, Job Creation

| Posted in Press Release

Spearheaded by Natural Resources Committee Members Bill Flores (TX-17) and Rob Wittman (VA-01), 182 Members today sent a bipartisan letter to Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar requesting new, expanded access to offshore energy production in order to create new American jobs, reduce our reliance on foreign energy and generate new revenue. Last November, the Obama…

182 Members Bipartisan Letter to Secretary Salazar Requesting Consideration for New and Expanded Access to the Outer Continental Shelf

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Dear Mr. Secretary: With the release of the Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Plan for 2012-2017, we write to express strong bipartisan support in the House for the consideration of new and expanded access to the OCS for the production of oil and natural gas. Opening up new areas of the OCS will bring new jobs, new energy, and new revenues to the Treasury all at a time where each of…

Natural Resources Committee Maintains Aggressive Oversight of Obama Administration's Overregulation of Hydraulic Fracturing

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The Obama Administration’s Interior Department is one step closer to imposing new federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing on federal lands—a long standing drilling technique that is necessary to extract oil and natural gas from shale reservoirs. A draft copy of the new regulations, reported last Thursday by Politico, show that the Obama Administration is preparing to add significant…

Video Blog: Natural Resources Committee Jobs Watch - Rep. Johnson

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House Natural Resources Committee Republicans are committed to putting Americans back to work by enacting policies that embrace America’s abundant natural resources to help create jobs and grow our economy. Meet Freshman Committee Member Bill Johnson from Ohio’s Sixth Congressional District. Ohio is home to several coal-fired power plants, which provide hundreds of good-paying…

Obama Administration Announces Plan to Block U.S. Oil Shale Development and U.S. Job Creation

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement today regarding the draft Bureau of Land Management plan to close public lands in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming to oil shale development: “The distinction between the pro-American job policies of House Republicans and the anti-American energy policies of the Obama Administration could not be…