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Hydraulic Fracturing

ICYMI: Fracking Rules Coming in Weeks

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Today, The Hill newspaper published an article on the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell’s proposed federal rules on hydraulic fracturing (fracking). In this article, Secretary Jewell states that it will be a matter of weeks not months before new federal rules on fracking will be released. Since November of 2010 when the Obama administration mentioned possible new federal regulation of…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  The Hill – Julian Hattem: “House GOP: Obama regs slowing oil-and-gas development” Oil and Gas Journal – Nick Snow: “States best qualified to regulate oil, gas, House panel told” Associated Press – Julie Carr Smyth: “Official testifies on Ohio fracking oversight” Gloucester…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Houston Chronicle – Jennifer Dlouhy: “Fed fracturing rules seen as imminent” Platts – Gary Gentile: “Ken Salazar signs off from US Interior Department” AOL Energy – Jared Anderson: “EIA Sees Oil Price Differentials Narrowing, US Natural Gas Prices Increasing” The Hill – Zach Colman:…

New Assessment Shows Record Levels of U.S. Natural Gas

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Over the last decade, Americans have witnessed a drastic increase in natural gas production due to breakthroughs in drilling technologies such as hydraulic fracturing or “fracking.” This production has lead to economic growth, job creation, and most importantly decreased dependence on foreign sources of natural gas. But, exactly how much natural gas does the United States have? A report…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources News Morning Round-up: New York Times – Norimitsu Onishi: “Oyster Farm Caught Up in Pipeline Politics” AP – Jeff Barnard: “Feds recommend removing dams from Klamath River” BBC – Matt McGrath: “Fracking ‘not significant’ cause of large earthquakes” Bloomberg – Mark Drajem: “Natural Gas Resources Seen at Record in U.S. on Fracking” Oregon Public…

Chairman Hastings’ Statement on Obama Administration’s New Regulations to Discourage U.S. Oil Shale Production

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced onerous new government red tape that will discourage production of 1.5 trillion barrels of American oil shale. “Since taking office, President Obama has stalled, delayed and hindered oil shale research and development projects…

Local Business Owners Thankful for Job Creation Benefits of American Energy Production on Private and State Lands

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Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held an oversight hearing on “America’s Onshore Energy Resources: Creating Jobs, Securing America, and Lowering Prices.” The hearing was an opportunity to hear from witnesses who own and operate businesses that have benefited from increased production of American oil and natural gas on state and private lands and examine why those…

From the Headlines: Gasoline Prices Rise for 32 Days Straight, Hit American Families at Worst Possible Time

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Yesterday marked 32 days in a row of increased gasoline prices, a 13 percent jump, according to the Automobile Association of America (AAA), which estimates the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline is $3.74. When President Obama took office in January 2009, the average price for gallon of gasoline was $1.84. Since taking office, President Obama has prevented new American…

Memo Shows Energy Workers Earn More, Receive Larger Annual Raises

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A Congressional Research Service (CRS) memo released this week shows that wages for workers in oil and gas extraction have increased over 23% since 2007. During a time period in which the U.S. has faced dire unemployment rates, rampant job loss, and near economic collapse, workers in the oil and gas industry have continued to see above average increases in earnings.  The oil and…