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Energy and Mineral Resources

Bishop Welcomes Trump Action on Offshore Energy Initiatives

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House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement in reaction to President Trump’s announcement on offshore initiatives.   “A thorough review of the morass of bad policies developed and imposed by the prior administration to crush offshore development and investment is welcomed. I look forward to working with the Trump administration on…

RECLAIM Act Needed to Accelerate Reclamation of Abandoned Mine Lands

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Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held a legislative hearing on H.R. 1731 (Rep. Hal Rogers, R-KY), the “Revitalizing the Economy of Coal Communities by Leveraging Local Activities and Investing More Act of 2017” or “RECLAIM Act.” “[H.R. 1731] finds a hard struck balance between many interested states and interested parties… this bill represents how an existing…

Bishop Statement on Coal Secretarial Order

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Today, the Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Ryan Zinke issued a Secretarial Order to formally end the coal leasing moratorium and reinstate the royalty advisory committee. House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement: “This moratorium was a hallmark policy of the prior administration to stomp out coal with absolutely no plan to…

Statement on Trump Administration’s Plans to Repeal of Oil, Natural Gas and Coal Valuation Rule

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Today, the Department of the Interior announced plans to repeal the Office of Natural Resources Revenue’s (ONRR) “Consolidated Federal Oil & Gas and Federal & Indian Coal Valuation Rule.” “The Trump administration should be commended for beginning the process of reversing the impossible regulatory requirements imposed on energy development by this rule. Endless layers of…

Bishop Response to Successful Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale

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Today, the Department of the Interior’s Lease Sale 247 for oil and gas parcels in the Gulf of Mexico brought in over $274 million for over 900,000 acres in the Outer Continental Shelf offshore Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement: “Finally, we are taking advantage of our vast natural resources offshore. For years we witnessed the…

Reps. Hice and Lowenthal Introduce Bill to Enhance Financial Aid for Mine Cleanup

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Today, Representatives Jody Hice (R-GA) and Alan Lowenthal (D-CA) introduced H.R. 1668, the “Bureau of Land Management Foundation Act.” H.R. 1668 establishes a new foundation that will leverage private funding to assist federal land management agencies with abandoned mine lands cleanup as well as other mission areas.   “When millions of gallons of toxic waste gushed into the…

Panel: Infrastructure Package Must Include Permitting Reforms to Access Raw Materials

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Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources discussed the importance of domestically sourced raw materials for the upcoming infrastructure package.   “Aggregates such as crushed stone, sand, and gravel are the literal foundation of many of our infrastructure projects,” Subcommittee Chairman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said. “Expedited permitting regimes for infrastructure projects…

Bishop Statement on Approval of Greens Hollow Lease in Central Utah

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Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement following Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke approval of the Greens Hollow coal lease in central Utah: “After over a decade of bureaucratic purgatory, I’m happy to see Secretary Zinke approve this lease. This will be a vital source of employment, affordable energy and revenue to the people of central Utah and the country for decades to…

Latest Oil and Gas Figures Demonstrate Obama Administration’s Failed Energy Legacy

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House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement in reaction to the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) release of data concerning oil and gas leasing on federal lands under the Obama administration: “Production on federal lands was all but impossible under the Obama administration from the layers of additional red tape to the dwindling number…

Bishop Statement on Proposed Offshore Lease Sale in the Gulf of Mexico

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Today, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced a region-wide lease sale scheduled for August 2017 that will offer 73 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico. Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement:   “The Trump administration is making the most out of the very restrictive Five Year Plan developed under the last administration. The Department of the Interior is…