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American Energy Initiative

House Committee Approves Legislation to Approve Transboundary Hydrocarbons Agreement with Mexico

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee approved H.R. 1613, the “Outer Continental Shelf Transboundary Hydrocarbon Agreements Authorization Act” with a bipartisan vote of 25-16.  This important legislation would approve and implement the terms of the U.S. - Mexico Transboundary Hydrocarbons Agreement that governs the development of shared oil and natural gas resources along the…

Natural Resources Committee Approves Three Bills to Help Develop Rare Earth and Critical Materials in the United States

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee approved three bills with bipartisan support that will create jobs, streamline government red-tape, and make America less dependent on foreign critical and strategic minerals. Critical and strategic minerals are vital to our everyday lives and are essential components of renewable energy, national defense equipment, medical devices,…

Minerals in Our Everyday Lives

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Today, the Full Committee on Natural Resources is holding a markup on 18 bills including legislation that will help develop critical and strategic minerals. Critical and strategic minerals are fundamental components of technologies and everyday items ranging from cell phones, building materials and motor vehicles to personal hygiene products. …

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: The Hill – Julian Hattem: “Interior’s fracking rules in cross hairs ahead of upcoming release” Bloomberg – Mark Drajem: “Fracking Rule Draws Republican Critics as U.S. Readies Changes” Platts: “Federal fracking rule will slow US oil, gas production: officials” CNN – Steve Hargreaves:…

Witnesses to House Committee: Federal Government Must Stay Out of Hydro-Fracking Regulation

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee held an oversight hearing entitled “DOI Fracturing Rule: A Recipe for Government Waste, Duplication, and Delay.” This hearing focused on the potential impact that the Obama Administration’s proposed hydraulic fracturing regulations on federal lands would have on job creation, economic growth, and energy development in America. For over 60…

ICYMI: Interior’s fracking rules in crosshairs ahead of upcoming release

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Interior’s fracking rules in crosshairs ahead of upcoming release By Julian Hattem Lawmakers from both parties are pouncing on the federal government's attempt to regulate hydraulic fracturing, the natural gas extraction method also known as fracking, even before the draft rules have been released. At…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Energy Guardian – Edward Felker: “Jewell vows to resist lobbying on fracking regs” The Hill – Ben Geman: “Senior Republican presses Interior for ‘certainty’ on Arctic drilling” Associated Press: “A look at US government's cuts in mineral payments” Associated Press: “Wildlife…

NEW REPORT: Speculation has little effect on oil prices

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Remember this? “We can’t afford a situation where speculators artificially manipulate markets by buying up oil, creating the perception of a shortage, and driving prices higher.” — President Obama, April 17, 2012 According to a recent research study by professors at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, oil speculation has little effect on oil price volatility. This study said…

ICYMI: A Tale of Two Oil States

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"Another contrast is that most Texas oil is on private lands, which owners are willing to lease at a price. In California much of the oil-rich areas are state or federally owned, and leasing doesn't happen because of political constraints. In California it can take weeks or even months to get approval for an oil rig. The average in Texas? Four days." Editorial: A Tale of Two Oil…

Increased American Energy Production Helps Boost US Job Numbers

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Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics confirmed that U.S. energy production is a job creator.  Employment in oil and natural gas production rose 4.3% in the last year. This can largely be attributed to new energy production on state and private lands, which are significantly out producing federally permitted lands, as noted by the Congressional Research…