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American Energy Initiative

Hastings: Obama Administration's Hydraulic Fracturing Regulations will Cost American Jobs and Energy

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement on the new regulations issued today by the Department of the Interior on hydraulic fracturing on federal lands: “The Obama Administration is imposing more regulation and more red-tape, and the result will be less American jobs and less American energy. Adding duplicate, burdensome regulations…

Amodei Introduces Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act

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Today, in the spirit of House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative, Rep. Mark Amodei (NV-02) introduced H.R. 4402, the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2012, to allow the United States to more efficiently develop our Nation's strategic and critical minerals, such as rare earth elements, that are vital to job creation, American economic competitiveness and…

Natural Resources Republicans Unveil Legislation to Expand Onshore American Energy Production, Lower Gas Prices

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In the spirit of House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative, Republican Members of the Natural Resources Committee today unveiled a series of bills to expand onshore American energy production, lower gasoline prices and create new American jobs. The three all-of-the-above onshore energy bills would streamline government hurdles and regulations that block and delay development of our…

Hastings: President Obama Should Support Bipartisan Plan to Increase American Energy Production and Reduce Price at the Pump

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement after President Obama failed to announce a plan to increase American energy production to help lower gasoline prices but instead proposed spending $52 million on more federal regulations that will not ease the pain at the pump. This tired campaign to blame speculators for rising gasoline…

5 Energy Questions for President Obama

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This afternoon President Obama will hold a press conference to discuss, among other issues, rising gas prices. Here are five questions President Obama should answer regarding his Administration’s energy policy: Gas prices have doubled since you took office and the average price of gas has already surpassed $4 in some areas. Will you now support a bipartisan plan passed by the House…

Chairman Hastings Delivers the Weekly Republican Address

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In this week's Republican Address, Chairman Doc Hastings explains how President Obama has consistently blocked American energy production. Gasoline prices are on the rise again and the Obama Administration has given no impression that they're serious about lowering our energy costs and creating much-needed American jobs. House Republicans are working to open more American energy…

From the Headlines: Obama Administration's Skyrocketing Gasoline Prices Threaten American Jobs, Economic Recovery

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Ripped from the Headlines... Higher gasoline prices could stall recovery, Obama’s re-election, Boston Herald, 2/21/12 “By summer, some analysts said, you could be paying $4 for a gallon of gas, almost as high as the record set in the summer of 2008. A price that high could cripple the still-fragile recovery…The average price for a gallon of regular gas in the Midwest was $3.41 last…

House Passes Bipartisan American Energy Bill to Create Over a Million Jobs and Lower Energy Prices

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Today the Full House of Representatives passed H.R. 3408, with a bipartisan vote of 237-187. The legislation is a bipartisan plan to expand offshore energy production, open less than three percent of ANWR for oil and natural gas production, encourage the development of 1.5 trillion barrels of oil shale in the Rocky Mountain West, and approve the Keystone XL pipeline. The plan will create…