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Gasoline Prices

Witnesses Highlight the Importance of Onshore Energy Development for Jobs, Economic Growth, & Energy Security

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Today, the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held a legislative hearing on four bills that would streamline government red tape and expand development of America’s onshore oil, natural gas, and renewable energy resources as part of a true all-of-the-above approach to energy production. “Americans shouldn’t be forced to make summer vacation plans based…

ICYMI: AAA sees gas prices rising into Memorial Day weekend

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AAA sees gas prices rising into Memorial Day weekend By Talia Buford 5/21/2013 The seasonal Memorial Day rise in gasoline prices is likely to bump up the cost of filling up the car this weekend, but much of the pain will hit motorists in the Midwest and on the West Coast, where a confluence of factors is leading to all-time highs leading…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: CQ – Anna McGeehan: “Panel Passes Bills on Rare Earth, Critical Minerals” Associated Press: “U.S. Gas Prices Up 11 Cents Over Past 2 Weeks” US News and World Report – Elizabeth Flock: “Commission for Unbuilt Ike Memorial Wants Another $51 Million From Taxpayers” Washington Examiner – Eric P. Newcomber: “Eisenhower family…

NEW REPORT: Speculation has little effect on oil prices

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Remember this? “We can’t afford a situation where speculators artificially manipulate markets by buying up oil, creating the perception of a shortage, and driving prices higher.” — President Obama, April 17, 2012 According to a recent research study by professors at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, oil speculation has little effect on oil price volatility. This study said…

ICYMI: A Tale of Two Oil States

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"Another contrast is that most Texas oil is on private lands, which owners are willing to lease at a price. In California much of the oil-rich areas are state or federally owned, and leasing doesn't happen because of political constraints. In California it can take weeks or even months to get approval for an oil rig. The average in Texas? Four days." Editorial: A Tale of Two Oil…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  The Hill – Julian Hattem: “GOP criticizes EPA comments on Keystone XL path” Fuel Fix – Dan X. McGraw: “When is the price of gasoline too high?” Associated Press: “Sea otter population more than doubles in southeast Alaska” Associated Press – Kathryn Haake: “Lawmakers kill water…

Witnesses Hail State Energy Policies, Discuss how Federal Red Tape Blocks Much-Needed Energy Production

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee held an oversight hearing on "State Lands vs. Federal Lands Oil and Gas Production: What State Regulators are doing right.” This hearing examined the disparity between oil and natural gas production on state and private lands versus production on federal lands. President Obama has touted that U.S. oil and natural gas production is at its…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  Washington Post – Juliet Eilperin: “White House finalizes national ocean policy” Fairfield Sun Times: “Daines Co-Sponsors Legislation To Restore Active Forest Management, Help Schools & Counties” Associated Press: “North Dakota February oil production sets record” …

Spoiler Alert: Increased American Energy Production Helps Ease High Gasoline Prices

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According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, gasoline prices will average $3.63 a gallon this summer, six cents lower from last year’s summer driving season. One of the reasons behind this drop in gasoline prices is the recent increase in U.S. oil production – specifically on state and private lands in places like North Dakota. Energy experts are confirming what Republicans…