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Offshore Drilling

Chairman Hastings: Passage of H.R. 1230 Will Expand American Energy Production to Lower Prices and Create Jobs

| Posted in Floor Statements

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings delivered the following statement (as prepared for delivery) on the House floor in support of H.R. 1230, the Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act. This bill will create thousands of jobs, generate millions in revenue and lower gasoline prices by requiring the Secretary of the Interior to move forward with offshore lease sales…

Americans Show Support for Legislation to Expand Domestic Energy Production, Create Jobs, and Lower Prices

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With the national average price of gasoline approaching $4 a gallon, Americans continue to experience the negative impacts of our dependence on foreign sources of oil. They are also becoming more engaged in the effort to increase domestic energy production. Over the past several weeks, more than 18,000 Americans from 49 states have contacted Congress in support of Chairman Hastings’…

Virginia Governor Bob McDonell Urges Passage of H.R. 1230

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Gov. Bob McDonnell wrote the following OpEd today in the Richmond Times-Dispatch highlighting the importance of energy production off the coast of Virginia and calling on Congress to pass Chairman Hastings’ three energy bills (H.R. 1229, 1230 and 1231) to expand American energy production, lower costs and create jobs. The House is scheduled to vote on H.R. 1230 today. McDonnell:…

Organizations Support Republican Legislation to Expand American Energy Production, Create Jobs, and Lower Prices

| Posted in Resourceful Information

Over 50 groups from across the country are calling for passage of Republican legislation to expand American energy production. From groups focused on economic development to seniors issues to fiscal conservatism, these organizations have come together to support three offshore energy bills (H.R. 1229, 1230 and 1231) that the House will begin voting on this week to create jobs, lower…

House to Vote on American Energy Bills to Ease Pain at Pump, Create Jobs, Reduce Foreign Dependence

| Posted in Press Release

As Americans continue to experience pain at the pump from skyrocketing gasoline prices, House Republicans are preparing to vote next week on two bills to expand offshore energy production. As part of House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative, H.R. 1230, the Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act, and H.R. 1229, the Putting the Gulf Back to Work Act, will create American jobs,…

Greenwire: U.S. losing $4.7M a day from permitting lag, group says

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U.S. losing $4.7M a day from permitting lag, group says April 27, 2011 Greenwire By Phil Taylor Research by a Dallas-based research group found that declining oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico and a lull in new drilling permits is costing the United States $4.7 million a day in mineral revenues. The briefing released today by the National Center for Policy Analysis blames…

Chairman Hastings Tours the Louisiana Coast

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While in Louisiana, Chairman Doc Hastings had the opportunity to visit the Mandalay National Wildlife Refuge in Southeast Louisiana. During the tour, U.S. Fish and Wildlife officials briefed the Chairman on wetland restoration activities currently underway, energy production activities taking place in the Wildlife Refuge, and other important…

Coincidence? Natural Resources Committee Passes Bill to Require Lease Sale, Obama Administration Prepares Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) announced the completion of the draft supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) for oil and gas lease sale 218 in the Western Planning Area in the Gulf of Mexico. The announcement comes on the heels of…

Hastings Statement on the One-Year Anniversary of Gulf Oil Spill

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement on the one-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon explosion and subsequent oil spill: “This is a time to remember the eleven men who tragically lost their lives and the families who lost their loved ones. This week, the Committee travelled to Louisiana to examine the status of recovery…

CNN Poll: 69% of Americans Support Increased Offshore Drilling

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According to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released today, support for increased offshore drilling is on the rise. Here are some key findings from the poll: 69 percent of Americans favor increased offshore drilling That 69 percent is up 20 points from last June, while the oil spill was still in progress, and is back to the level of support seen in the summer of…