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Legislation Introduced to Protect and Expand Energy Production on Federal Lands

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Members of the House Natural Resources Committee introduced two bills to protect and expand U.S. onshore energy production on federal lands. The bills would remove government roadblocks and hurdles that delay American energy production, promote production of our oil shale resources, and ensure that oil and natural gas resources in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) are…

Increased American Energy Production Helps Boost US Job Numbers

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Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics confirmed that U.S. energy production is a job creator.  Employment in oil and natural gas production rose 4.3% in the last year. This can largely be attributed to new energy production on state and private lands, which are significantly out producing federally permitted lands, as noted by the Congressional Research…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Energy Guardian – Edward Felker: “House GOP to highlight support for fracking, nat gas exports” Fuel Fix – Jennifer A. Dlouhy: “Feds set to unveil hydraulic fracturing rule within weeks” National Journal – Amy Harder: “The U.S. Has Much, Much More Gas and Oil Than We Thought” …

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: New York Times – John M. Broder: “New Interior Chief Savors a Steep Learning Curve” Oak Ridger – Donna Smith: “Manhattan Project Park bill moves on” Greenwire – Phil Taylor: “New House bill would allow Va. leasing, share revenues with states” The Hill – Julian Hattem:…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  E&E – John McArdle: “Administration's final ocean plan sparks Hill debate on whether it streamlines or burdens agencies” E&E – Phil Taylor: “House Republicans introduce bill to approve U.S.-Mexico transboundary agreement” Billings Gazette – Rob Chaney: “Tribal ownership,…

Spoiler Alert: Increased American Energy Production Helps Ease High Gasoline Prices

| Posted in Resourceful Information

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, gasoline prices will average $3.63 a gallon this summer, six cents lower from last year’s summer driving season. One of the reasons behind this drop in gasoline prices is the recent increase in U.S. oil production – specifically on state and private lands in places like North Dakota. Energy experts are confirming what Republicans…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Los Angeles Times – Phil Willon: “Joshua Tree targeted by graffiti vandals using social media” The Philadelphia Inquirer – Sandy Bauers: "White-nose syndrome that kills bats continues to spread” Kansas City Star: “Will Obama establish 'Idaho's Yellowstone' as a national…

Chairman Hastings Disappointed in Lack of Transparency at DOI, Renews Request for Info on Job Destroying Coal Regulation

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today sent a letter to Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar expressing disappointment at the Department’s lack of transparency and failure to respond to the Committee’s legitimate oversight questions surrounding OSM’s bizarre decision to rewrite a carefully crafted 2008 coal regulation.  The letter reiterates…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary Salazar Regarding Stream Buffer Zone Rule Rewrite

| Posted in Letters

Dear Secretary Salazar: As you know, for more than two years the Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") has been conducting oversight on issues regarding the Department of the Interior's and the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement's ("OSM") handling of the decision to toss aside and ultimately rewrite the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule.…

Meet our Members: Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA-01)

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Representing California's 1st District, located in the Northeast corner of the state, Congressman LaMalfa discusses his background in Agriculture and the variety of natural resources in his district. This year, in fact, Rep. LaMalfa's family celebrates 82 years in the rice farming business. See what Rep. LaMalfa has to say about forest management, hydropower and how Northern California's…