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Utah Governor Herbert Emphasizes Success of Western States in Land Management

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Today, the Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation held an oversight hearing featuring testimony by Utah Governor Gary Herbert, Chairman of the Western Governors’ Association. The hearing highlighted the challenges of western states regarding federal and state land management. At the hearing, Members and Governor Herbert discussed how states are able to find their own…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: CQ – Anna McGeehan: “Panel Passes Bills on Rare Earth, Critical Minerals” Associated Press: “U.S. Gas Prices Up 11 Cents Over Past 2 Weeks” US News and World Report – Elizabeth Flock: “Commission for Unbuilt Ike Memorial Wants Another $51 Million From Taxpayers” Washington Examiner – Eric P. Newcomber: “Eisenhower family…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Forest Service Chief Tidwell Requesting Documents on the Decision-making Process for the Retroactive Cuts to Secure Rural School Payments

| Posted in Letters

Dear Chief Tidwell: In March 2013, the Forest Service ("Service") began demanding states return $17.9 million they had received - and in many cases already spent - under the Secure Rural Schools Program ("SRS"). Congress has authorized this money to help pay for schools and government services in areas where environmental lawsuits and Service mismanagement have…

Active Forest Management Is The First Line Of Defense

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Today during a visit to the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho, Interior Secretary Jewell and Agriculture Secretary Vilsack highlighted steps the federal government is taking to prepare for the wildfire season. Both Secretary Jewell and Secretary Vilsack highlighted the ongoing effort for collaboration between federal, state, local governments and private citizens. But…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Wall Street Journal – Alison Sider: “Coastal Governors Want More Offshore Drilling” Fuel Fix OpEd – Jeff Miller: “Guest Commentary: Deep-water oil and gas essential to global energy future” Associated Press: “Steam proposed to extract central Wyoming oil” The Atlantic – Stephanie…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Washington Examiner – Sean Higgins: “Feds triple estimates for recoverable natural gas in plains states” Fox News: “Park Service creating new monuments, landmarks despite sequester cutbacks” E&E - Phil Taylor: “Alaska refuses to repay Secure Rural Schools money” ABC – Alan…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  News Bonners Ferry OpEd – Rep. Raul Labrador: “Time to bring certainty to rural communities”  E&E – Phil Taylor: “Panel to review bill approving U.S.-Mexico transboundary agreement” E&E – Nick Juliano: “Natural Resources to approve pipeline legislation this week” …

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  Washington Post – Juliet Eilperin: “White House finalizes national ocean policy” Fairfield Sun Times: “Daines Co-Sponsors Legislation To Restore Active Forest Management, Help Schools & Counties” Associated Press: “North Dakota February oil production sets record” …

VIDEO: Fox News Piece on SRS and Forest Management

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Last week at a Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation hearing, Republican Members stressed the need for the U.S. Forest Service to resume active forest management and discussed several proposals to improve forest health. A lack of forest management has deprived rural counties of revenue needed to fund schools, emergency services and infrastructure projects; caused a…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Houston Chronicle – Jennifer Dlouhy: “Fed fracturing rules seen as imminent” Platts – Gary Gentile: “Ken Salazar signs off from US Interior Department” AOL Energy – Jared Anderson: “EIA Sees Oil Price Differentials Narrowing, US Natural Gas Prices Increasing” The Hill – Zach Colman:…