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Subpoenas Issued for Documents on the Obama Administration’s Retroactive Cuts to Secure Rural School Payments

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today issued subpoenas to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for documents they have failed to produce as part of the Committee’s oversight into the Obama Administration’s decision to retroactively subject 2012 Secure Rural School (SRS) payments to the fiscal year 2013…

National Preparedness for Wildfires Moved to Highest Level

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This week the National Multi-Agency Coordinating Group raised the National Preparedness Level to 5, its highest level indicating high fire activity with increasing threats. The last time the National Preparedness Level was raised to 5 was July 1, 2008 and remained at this highest level for 22 days.  A raised preparedness level indicates a high degree of wildfire activity, a major…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Associated Press – Matthew Daly: “Report: Wildlife agency ignored whistle-blowers” Tri-City Herald – Geoff Folsom: “Franklin County farmer testifies in Washington, D.C., to protect bladderpod” Capital Press – Tim Hearden: “Hastings bill aims to improve forest management, prevent wildfires” The World – Thomas Moriarty:…

Committee Approves Legislation to Strengthen Rural Communities and Schools, Help Prevent Catastrophic Wildfires

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee passed H.R. 1526, the “Restoring Healthy Forest for Healthy Communities Act” by a voice vote. This legislation renews the federal government’s commitment to manage federal forests for the benefit of rural schools and counties, improves forest health and helps prevent catastrophic wildfires. “Across our country, rural forest communities…

Witnesses and Members Agree Active Forest Management Will Help Prevent Catastrophic Wildfires

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Today, the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation held an oversight hearing on “Wildfire and Forest Management.” The hearing focused on the need for increased forest management to reduce hazardous fuels and the risk of catastrophic wildfires. Last year, 9.3 million acres burned due to forest fires and was the third worst fire season on record for…

Responsible Forest Management Helps Prevents Catastrophic Wildfires

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National forests are in an unhealthy and dangerous state resulting in larger and more intense wildfires. In 2012, wildfires burned 9.3 million acres, while the U.S. Forest Service only harvested approximately 200,000 acres. This means that 44 times as many acres burned as were responsibly harvested and restored. According to the U.S. Forest Service, 65-82 million acres of Forest Service…

ICYMI: Congressman Tipton Discusses Wildfire Amendment with KOA

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This morning, Congressman Tipton (CO-5) discussed his amendment to the FARRM bill with KOA news out of Denver, Colorado.This amendment hat would help states fight devastating wildfires by providing the Forest Service with a large air tanker and an aerial asset lease program to assist with fighting wildfires.  This amendment comes at a time when Colorado has been fighting…

Wildfires Breakout In Colorado

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This week, Colorado is tragically experiencing the most destructive wildfires in state history. Three major wildfires in Colorado are scorching thousands of acres, forcing tens of thousands to evacuate, and have destroyed hundreds of homes.  In addition to the fires in Colorado, wildfires are currently burning in New Mexico, Oregon and California. With the wildfires expected to…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: The Hill – Zack Colman: “Rep. Hastings to Interior: Don't destroy documents” Fox News video – Fox and Friends: “Gibson Guitar CEO on Fox & Friends Explains Fish & Wildlife Service Raid” The Hill – Ben Geman: “Interior faces pressure to slow down fracking rule” Seattle Times OpEd – Chris Brong: “Rural communities…