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Water and Power Subcommittee to hold Fresno Field Hearing on the Man-Made Drought in California

| Posted in Committee Action

On Monday, April 11, 2011 the House Natural Resources Committee’s Subcommittee on Water and Power will hold a field hearing in Fresno, California on “Creating Jobs by Overcoming Man-Made Drought: Time for Congress to Listen and Act.” The hearing will examine federal government policies that have created and contributed to California’s man-made drought and the actions needed to supply the…

National Journal: Obama’s Fuzzy Oil Production Math

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

Obama’s Fuzzy Oil Production Math Bush administration actions have led to gains in supply By: Amy Harder National Journal Thursday, March 17, 2011 | 1:57 p.m. He doesn’t want to admit it, but President Obama is taking credit for something George W. Bush did. The White House is touting federal data that shows domestic oil production is at its highest level since 2003. In a blog…

Natural Resources Committee Republicans Call for Expanded American Energy Production to Create Jobs, Curb Rising Gasoline Prices

| Posted in Press Release

Today, the House Natural Resources Committee held an oversight hearing on how to harness American resources to create jobs and address rising gasoline prices. The Committee heard from several energy experts who discussed America’s vast energy reserves on federal lands. According to a recently released Congressional Research Service (CRS) report, the United States combined recoverable…

Chairman Hastings Announces Plans to Introduce Energy Legislation

| Posted in Press Release

Today, during a Full Committee hearing examining the impacts of the Obama Administration’s de facto moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings announced plans to introduce legislation to increase American energy production and reverse the Obama Administration’s anti-energy policies that are costing jobs and raising prices. “Let me state very…

Fact Checking the Obama Administration’s Energy Production Claims

| Posted in Resourceful Information

As prices at the pump climb towards the $4 mark, the Obama Administration has turned its SPIN machine to HIGH in an effort to deflect mounting public anger over the high cost of gasoline. The Administration is spinning numbers on U.S. oil and natural gas production to make the public believe their anti-energy policies have actually spurred energy development. In reality, the…

Driving the News Week: Republicans Focus on Lowering Gasoline Prices, Expanding American Energy and Creating Jobs

| Posted in Blog

Last week, the new House majority launched the American Energy Initiative, an ongoing effort to address rising gasoline prices and expand American energy production. This initiative will help lower costs, grow our economy and create jobs. Visit the American Energy Initiative Facebook page to learn more. As part of this initiative, the Natural Resources Committee has scheduled a series of…

Reps. Hastings and Young Letter and Questions on Fees to Cobell v. Salazar Settlement Defendants

| Posted in Letters

Dear Messrs. Hayes and Perrelli: We request information and cooperation regarding the fees, expenses, and incentive payments sought by the Named Plaintiffs and Class Counsel pursuant to the Claims Resolution Act of 2010, which authorized the Cobell v. Salazar Settlement Agreement. Read the entire letter HERE.

Reps. Hastings and Young Letter and Questions on Fees to Cobell v. Salazar Settlement Plantiffs

| Posted in Letters

Dear Messrs. Gingold and Harper: We request information regarding the fees, expenses, and incentive payments sought by the Named Plaintiffs and Class Counsel pursuant to the Claims Resolution Act of 2010, which authorized the Cobell v. Salazar Settlement Agreement. Your response on behalf of the Named Plaintiffs and Class Counsel is important for the Committee on Natural Resources…

Hastings Announces New Office of Oversight and Investigations

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today announced the newly-established Office of Oversight and Investigations. The Office of Oversight and Investigations will be comprised of multiple staff with varied and relevant experience as attorneys, investigators and subject matter experts on issues under the Committee’s broad jurisdiction. The first hire for the…

Natural Resources Committee to Hold Hearings on Gulf of Mexico De Facto Moratorium and BOEMRE FY2012 Budget Request

| Posted in Committee Action

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today announced two Full Committee oversight hearings in March to address offshore energy production. The first hearing will focus on the community and economic impacts of the Obama Administration’s de facto drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico and the second hearing will examine the Fiscal Year 2012 budget request for…