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Press Release

Hastings Announces New Office of Oversight and Investigations

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today announced the newly-established Office of Oversight and Investigations. The Office of Oversight and Investigations will be comprised of multiple staff with varied and relevant experience as attorneys, investigators and subject matter experts on issues under the Committee’s broad jurisdiction.

The first hire for the Office is Morgan Kim, who will help lead the Committee’s efforts to examine the actions and decisions of the Department of the Interior, other agencies and entities under the Committee’s purview.

Kim was recruited to join the Committee’s oversight staff based on her experience as a nonpartisan investigator and prosecutor for the Department of Justice Inspector General, the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the House Ethics Committee. She departed from her position as Deputy Chief Counsel and Director of Investigations and Enforcement at the Ethics Committee on Friday, March 4th and began work with the Natural Resources Committee this week.

“Conducting oversight of the Administration and issues under the Committee’s jurisdiction is one of Chairman Hastings’ top priorities and this newly established Office of Oversight and Investigations will ensure that it is done in a thoughtful and thorough manner,” said Natural Resources Committee Chief of Staff Todd Young. “Chairman Hastings worked with Morgan Kim while serving as the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Ethics Committee and was impressed by her professionalism and ability to conduct non-partisan investigations – particularly her work as the lead investigator on the House Page inquiry. She is a valuable addition to our Committee’s staff.”


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