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Job Creation

Chairman Hastings’ Statement on Obama Administration’s New Regulations to Discourage U.S. Oil Shale Production

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced onerous new government red tape that will discourage production of 1.5 trillion barrels of American oil shale. “Since taking office, President Obama has stalled, delayed and hindered oil shale research and development projects…

Subcommittee Hears Testimony on Importance of Increased Mining and Mineral Production for Job Creation, Economic Growth

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Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held an oversight hearing on “America’s Mineral Resources: Creating Mining and Manufacturing Jobs and Securing America,” combined with a legislative hearing on seven mining bills that will create jobs, streamline government red-tape, and make America less dependent on foreign critical and strategic minerals. The subcommittee heard…

Committee Approves Bipartisan Bill to Prevent Global Helium Shortage, Protect American Jobs

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee passed H.R. 527, the “Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act”, with a bipartisan amendment, by a voice vote.  The bipartisan legislation, introduced by Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) and Ranking Member Ed Markey (MA-05), applies free-market principles to future sales from the Federal Helium…

Local Business Owners Thankful for Job Creation Benefits of American Energy Production on Private and State Lands

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Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held an oversight hearing on “America’s Onshore Energy Resources: Creating Jobs, Securing America, and Lowering Prices.” The hearing was an opportunity to hear from witnesses who own and operate businesses that have benefited from increased production of American oil and natural gas on state and private lands and examine why those…

Witnesses: Increased Offshore Oil, Natural Gas, Wind Production Creates Thousands of Jobs, Grows Economy

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The Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee held an oversight hearing today on “America’s Offshore Energy Resources: Creating Jobs, Securing America, and Lowering Prices.” The hearing focused on the significant economic growth that increased production of offshore oil, natural gas and wind energy. “In light of record debt and deficits, and the current sequestration cuts going into…

The Offshore Energy Economy President Obama Doesn’t Want: Increased Offshore Energy Production = More Jobs, Bigger Economy, Lower Prices

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Ever since taking office, President Obama has erected barriers to increased offshore American energy production and systematically closed off new areas to drilling. Study after study has shown that increased offshore energy production will create jobs, grow the economy, lower prices and provide significant revenues to the states and federal government. As the chart (below) shows, under…

Witnesses Agree on Swift Action To Reform Federal Helium Program, Save Tens of Thousands of Jobs

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The House Natural Resources Committee today held a Full Committee hearing entitled, The Past, Present and Future of the Federal Helium Program, which focused on H.R. 527, the “Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act,” bipartisan legislation that applies free-market principals to prevent a global helium shortage and provide American taxpayers with a fair return for the…

Memo Shows Energy Workers Earn More, Receive Larger Annual Raises

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A Congressional Research Service (CRS) memo released this week shows that wages for workers in oil and gas extraction have increased over 23% since 2007. During a time period in which the U.S. has faced dire unemployment rates, rampant job loss, and near economic collapse, workers in the oil and gas industry have continued to see above average increases in earnings.  The oil and…

Governors Ask Interior Nominee to Reconsider Atlantic Drilling

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Today, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, and Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell sent a letter to Interior Secretary Nominee Sally Jewell asking for a re-examination of the Administration’s policies towards energy exploration and production on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The Administration has continually blocked access to energy…