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Job Creation

VIDEO: Drill Permit Streamlining Bill Sponsored by Rep. Cramer Passes House

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In North Dakota, it can take 10 times as long to get a drilling permit on federal lands compared to state lands. That is why the House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to pass H.R. 767, a bill sponsored by Committee member Congressman Cramer, which streamlines the federal permitting process in North Dakota to reduce delays in obtaining a permit to drill on federal lands.  Check…

Witnesses to House Committee: Federal Government Must Stay Out of Hydro-Fracking Regulation

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee held an oversight hearing entitled “DOI Fracturing Rule: A Recipe for Government Waste, Duplication, and Delay.” This hearing focused on the potential impact that the Obama Administration’s proposed hydraulic fracturing regulations on federal lands would have on job creation, economic growth, and energy development in America. For over 60…

ICYMI: Interior’s fracking rules in crosshairs ahead of upcoming release

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Interior’s fracking rules in crosshairs ahead of upcoming release By Julian Hattem Lawmakers from both parties are pouncing on the federal government's attempt to regulate hydraulic fracturing, the natural gas extraction method also known as fracking, even before the draft rules have been released. At…

ICYMI: A Tale of Two Oil States

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"Another contrast is that most Texas oil is on private lands, which owners are willing to lease at a price. In California much of the oil-rich areas are state or federally owned, and leasing doesn't happen because of political constraints. In California it can take weeks or even months to get approval for an oil rig. The average in Texas? Four days." Editorial: A Tale of Two Oil…

Increased American Energy Production Helps Boost US Job Numbers

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Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics confirmed that U.S. energy production is a job creator.  Employment in oil and natural gas production rose 4.3% in the last year. This can largely be attributed to new energy production on state and private lands, which are significantly out producing federally permitted lands, as noted by the Congressional Research…

Developing Right Now: America has even MORE energy reserves than expected

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Yesterday, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) released its updated assessment of America’s oil and natural gas resources in the Bakken and Three Forks formations. The new assessment shows that the United States has double the amount of oil and triple the amount of natural gas than previously thought. The new information comes from a survey of data on two shale formations that run…

House Passes Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent Global Helium Shortage, Protect Jobs, & Ensure a Fair Return for Taxpayers

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Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 527, the “Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act” by a vote of 394– 1.  This bipartisan legislation, introduced by House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (R-WA), Ranking Member Ed Markey (D-MA), Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ), and Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX), is a common sense plan to sell helium from the Federal…

Chairman Hastings: Congress Must Take Action Now to Prevent Helium Shortage, Protect Jobs and Economy

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following statement on the House floor in support on H.R. 527, the Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act. “I rise today in strong support of H.R. 527, the Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act. This bill is necessary to protect our economy from an impending helium shortage and…

Committee Approves Keystone XL Pipeline Bill to Create Jobs, Lower Energy Prices, & Increase America’s Energy Security

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee approved H.R. 3, the "Northern Route Approval Act" by a bipartisan vote of 24-17. This legislation would remove roadblocks to allow for the approval and construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline energy project. The bill was approved last week by the Energy and Commerce Committee with bipartisan support. The Keystone XL Pipeline will create…