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Support S. 1134, A Bipartisan Bridge Proposal to End Bureaucratic Hurdles

| Posted in Dear Colleagues

Dear Colleague: I strongly encourage my colleagues to support Senate bill 1134 being considered today by the House. This bipartisan bill passed the Senate by unanimous consent and ensures federal law does not prevent the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota from replacing an old, unsafe bridge. The bipartisan support for this bill includes House Members, Senators and the governors of the…

Wall Street Journal Editorial: Protecting Endangered Farmers

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Protecting Endangered Farmers The Wall Street Journal Editorial February 29, 2012 Rick Santorum may have had a point the other day when he said that some environmentalists care more about animals than people. Take the water restrictions the federal government has imposed on California farmers to protect the three-inch delta smelt. Environmentalists have long complained that the San…

Chairman Hastings: American Families Face Rapidly Rising Gas Prices Under Obama Administration Energy Policies

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement today regarding President Obama’s energy speech: "American families and small businesses are once again suffering from rapidly rising gasoline prices and the Obama Administration’s policies are making it worse. Since President Obama took office, the price of gasoline has increased a…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Council on Environmental Quality Chairwoman Nancy Sutley and Office of Science and Technology Policy Director John Holdren on the National Ocean Council Draft Implementation Plan

| Posted in Letters

Dear Chairwoman Sutley and Director Holdren: I am writing to you as the co-chairs of the National Ocean Council created under Executive Order 13547, which implemented the final recommendations of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force and created a new National Ocean Policy. In addition to the National Ocean Council, the Executive Order created, among other things, an expanded federal…

Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn Letter to Secretary Salazar Regarding Committee's Investigation on Drilling Moratorium Documents and Requesting to Interview Officials

| Posted in Letters

Dear Mr. Secretary: On April 25, 2011, we wrote the Department of the Interior ("Department") to request documents about White House edits to the Executive Summary of the final report entitled "Increased Safety Measures for Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf' ("ISM Report"). On the same date, we wrote separately to the Department's Office of Inspector General ("OlG")…

Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn Letter to Council on Environmental Quality Deputy Associate Director for Energy and Climate Change Neal Kemkar Regarding Committee's Investigation on Drilling Moratorium Documents and Requesting an Interview

| Posted in Letters

Dear Mr. Kemkar: On April 25, 2011, we wrote the Department of the Interior ("Department") to request documents about White House edits to the Executive Summary of the final report entitled "Increased Safety Measures for Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf' ("ISM Report"). On the same date, we wrote separately to the Department's Office of Inspector General ("OIG")…

San Joaquin Valley Farmers Initially Slated to Get Fraction of Yearly Water Allocations

| Posted in Press Release

The Obama Administration’s Bureau of Reclamation today announced that farmers in California’s San Joaquin Valley would initially receive an estimated 30 percent of their allocated water supplies for 2012. Despite experiencing near record precipitation last year, farmers and communities once again face the threat of another man-made drought due to federal regulations that will divert…

From the Headlines: Obama Administration's Skyrocketing Gasoline Prices Threaten American Jobs, Economic Recovery

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Ripped from the Headlines... Higher gasoline prices could stall recovery, Obama’s re-election, Boston Herald, 2/21/12 “By summer, some analysts said, you could be paying $4 for a gallon of gas, almost as high as the record set in the summer of 2008. A price that high could cripple the still-fragile recovery…The average price for a gallon of regular gas in the Midwest was $3.41 last…

Federal Forest County Revenue, Schools, and Jobs Act of 2012 (H.R. 4019)

| Posted in Committee Votes

Reporting H.R. 4019 Out of Committee (Passed 26-17-1. View Roll Call Vote) This bill aims to restore economic stability in forested counties that lost valuable revenue used to support schools, infrastructure and emergency services through the restoration of active, healthy forest management. Bishop En Bloc Amendment #1-4 – Technical Amendments (Agreed to by Voice Vote.) This amendment…