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American Energy Roadblocks by the Obama Administration

Obama Administration American Energy Roadblocks Part 7: Oil Shale

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Oil shale is one of the most promising new sources of American-made energy. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. holds more than half of the world’s oil shale resources. The largest known deposits of oil shale are located in a 16,000-square mile area in the Green River formation in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. USGS estimates show the region may hold more than 1.5…

Obama Administration American Energy Roadblocks Part 6: Renewable Energy

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While President Obama likes to talk about the job creation and economic potential of renewable energy development on federal lands, his Administration has imposed unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles and duplicative regulatory requirements that have made the development of wind, solar, hydropower and geothermal energy more difficult. The United States has some of the most promising areas for…

Obama Administration American Energy Roadblocks Part 5: Onshore Oil & Natural Gas

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Oil and natural gas production on federal lands is one of the best opportunities for job creation and economic growth, yet too often it has been blocked and delayed by Obama Administration policies. Locking up lands to energy production and imposing duplicative, burdensome regulations have caused federal energy production to decline – hurting jobs, federal revenue and our Nation’s energy…

Obama Administration American Energy Roadblocks Part 4: Alaska

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Alaska is home to some of the most abundant energy resources in this country. These resources, if responsibly harnessed, hold the potential to significantly strengthen American energy independence, create thousands of American jobs and generate billions of dollars in new revenue. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration continues to lock-up vast amounts of Alaska’s energy resources. The…

Obama Administration American Energy Roadblocks Part 3: War on Coal

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During President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, he declared one of his energy goals was to “bankrupt” the coal industry by making electricity prices “skyrocket.” That policy statement kick-started the President’s continuing war on coal miners, their families and the millions of Americans who rely on affordable coal-fired electricity. The harmful effects of President Obama’s…

Obama Administration American Energy Roadblocks Part 2: Hydraulic Fracturing on Federal Lands

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Technological advances in the state-regulated practices of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have caused oil and natural production from shale reservoirs on state and private lands to significantly increase over the past four years. Hydraulic fracturing is currently responsible for 30 percent of our domestic oil and natural gas production and represents one of the greatest…

Obama Administration American Energy Roadblocks Part 1: Offshore Drilling

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President Obama and his Administration have spent nearly the past four years putting the brakes on new offshore American energy production and job creation. When President Obama was sworn into office in January 2009, nearly all of our offshore areas were newly open to American energy production. This was the result of public outrage in the summer of 2008 over $4 gasoline prices that…