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Hot Air Alert

Anti-Energy Groups Line-up to Support President Obama—Know His Rhetoric on 'All-of-the-Above' Energy is Just Talk

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Tags: Energy

As President Obama campaigns around the country claiming support for an all-of-the-above energy plan, his Administration is simultaneously working in Washington D.C. to block and restrict access to American oil, natural gas and coal energy production. While President Obama may be working to fool the American public into believing he supports expanded oil and natural gas production, his…

Hot Air Alert: President Obama Spins State of the Union Speech to Claim Credit for Inherited Energy Successes

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For as much as President Obama complains about the bad economy that he inherited, he sure seems to be enjoying the inherited boom in U.S. oil and gas production on private and state lands. Last night President Obama dedicated a significant portion of his State of the Union speech to weaving a tale about what his Administration has done for American energy production. Unfortunately for the…

Hot Air Alert: White House Claims Support for U.S. Energy Production, Actions Tell an Entirely Different Story

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Today during the White House Press Briefing, Press Secretary Jay Carney attempted to defend the Obama Administration’s dismal energy record when asked about the President’s Jobs Council report that recommends increased energy production on federal lands as a way to create new American jobs: “The fact of the matter is, on oil and gas production, we have higher oil production in this…

Hot Air Alert: Minority Whip Hoyer Earns 1.2 million Pinocchios on False Claim about GOP’s Job Creating Bills

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Apparently Minority Whip Steny Hoyer doesn’t know how many job creating bills he’s been voting against this Congress. Today, in a statement on rising unemployment, the Minority Whip claimed that the Republican majority had yet to bring a job creating bill to the floor of the House—nothing could be further from the truth. RHETORIC: “After five months in the House majority, they have…

Hot Air Alert: Natural Resource Committee Democrats Make Inaccurate Statements on GOP Energy Bills

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House Natural Resources Committee Democrats are making inaccurate statements and claims when describing H.R. 1229, the Get the Gulf Back to Work Act H.R. 1231 and the Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act. Below are just a few of the myths recently purported in a Committee hearing where an economist testified that Chairman Hastings’ three offshore energy bills could create…

Hot Air Alert: President Obama Encourages More Offshore Drilling…in Brazil!

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While gasoline prices in the U.S. continue to near the $4 mark, President Obama has finally embraced increased offshore oil production. Too bad it’s in Brazil and not in the United States. During remarks at the CEO Business Summit in Brazil this weekend, President Obama stated: “We want to help with technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely, and when you’re ready to…

Hot Air Alert: If President Obama Supports Bipartisan Efforts to Increase Natural Gas Production, Why is His Administration Making it More Difficult?

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On November 3, 2010, the day after the election, President Obama woke up to the stark reality that he would have to work with Republicans in Congress. During a press conference, the President identified natural gas as an issue where Republicans and Democrats could come together in a bipartisan way: “Let’s find those areas where we can agree…We’ve got, I think, broad agreement that we’ve…

Hot Air Alert: Department of Interior Confuses Increased Violence and Murder With ‘Significant Progress’ on Southern Border

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After multiple reports in recent months of violence, drug running and murders on federal lands near our Southern Border, it seems the Obama Administration has a distorted view of the reality facing Border Patrol agents, law enforcement officers and everyday citizens. Interior Department spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff said in a statement this week that Secretary Salazar is trying to "meet…

Hot Air Alert: One Month After Republicans Request “Missing Pages” on Plans for Potential New National Monuments, Nothing But Crickets from Interior Department

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Exactly one month ago today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04); National Parks, Forests and Public Lands Subcommittee Ranking Member Rob Bishop (UT-01); and 14 Members of Congress sent a letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar requesting missing pages and additional information regarding the Administration’s secret plans to designate 13 million…

Hot Air Alert: When Democrat Rhetoric and Reality Collide on Job Creation

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Tags: Energy

Yesterday, while promoting his $787 billion ‘stimulus’ bill, President Obama said: “We're going to continue to explore each and every avenue* that I can think of that will lead to job creation and economic growth." The President’s quote should really include a fine print disclaimer at the bottom that says: *The phrase “each and every avenue” does not include policies that would…