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Hot Air Alert: Minority Whip Hoyer Earns 1.2 million Pinocchios on False Claim about GOP’s Job Creating Bills

Apparently Minority Whip Steny Hoyer doesn’t know how many job creating bills he’s been voting against this Congress. Today, in a statement on rising unemployment, the Minority Whip claimed that the Republican majority had yet to bring a job creating bill to the floor of the House—nothing could be further from the truth.


“After five months in the House majority, they have failed to bring a single job-creating bill to the floor.” – Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (6/3/11)


The trio of Natural Resources Committee offshore energy bills passed by the House, H.R. 1229, 1230 and 1231, would create 250,000 jobs short-term and 1.2 million jobs long-term according to Dr. Joseph Mason, economist and professor at Louisiana State University. These bills would add much needed employment to the Gulf economies devastated by the Obama Administration’s de facto moratorium on offshore drilling and create good paying energy jobs around the country for hardworking Americans still struggling with the nation’s 9.1% unemployment. The three bills would also earn $840 million to help pay off our staggering national debt. The bipartisan legislation was supported by over 50 different constituency groups and received over 18,000 letters of support.


Minority Whip Hoyer voted against all three bills that would have created 1.2 million American jobs.


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