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***NEW TODAY*** EIA Short Term Energy Outlook: Gulf of Mexico Production Down, U.S. Oil Imports Up

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Today, the Department of Energy’s independent U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released their latest Short Term Energy Outlook for projected crude oil production in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and net U.S. imports (see charts below). Despite the misleading comments made by Interior Secretary Salazar last week, GOM crude oil production has continued to significantly decline since…

Unrest in Libya Could Spread to Other OPEC Members, Lead to Record Prices at the Pump

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*Source: Energy Information Administration Political turmoil in the Middle East, most recently in Egypt and Libya, is putting the United States’ already tenuous energy security on more fragile ground. The recent waves of political uprisings in Northern Africa and the Middle East have sparked concern of lost crude oil production, which in turn could cause U.S. gasoline prices to spike.…

Obama Administration Pursues Anti-Energy Policies as Gas Prices Climb Higher

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Yesterday, the Associated Press reported on rising gas prices causing consumers to shift spending habits, which could directly curtail economic recovery: “Thursday's government report on retail sales indicates that consumers are skipping a restaurant meal or a movie because they have to spend more to drive…If the price [of gas] goes up a dime, it means consumers pay $40 million more each…

Reid-Boxer Omnibus Filled with a Hundred Bills, Billions of Dollars in New Spending

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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Barbara Boxer are moving forward with their plan to pass a massive land, wildlife and water omnibus package in the final days of the lame-duck Congress. This colossal bill will cost billions of dollars and include over a hundred measures that will create new spending programs, cost jobs, harm our economy, expand the power of the EPA,…

New Obama Drilling Plan Has Americans Seeing Red

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Today, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar doubled down on the Obama Administration’s previous offshore drilling moratorium announced in March 2010, by placing EVEN MORE of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) off limits to energy development. As the maps below illustrate, the Obama Administration has moved our country backwards in terms of offshore land available for energy leasing. In 2008,…

USGS: America Has Abundant Supply of Rare Earth Elements

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On the heels of a Wall Street Journal report outlining America’s dependence on China’s tightening rare earth element (REE) market, the USGS released a report today revealing 13 million metric tons of REEs exist within known deposits in 14 U.S. states.  While the largest deposits exist in California, Alaska and Wyoming, additional known REE deposits are found in Colorado, Florida,…

Roundup of CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534) Documents

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Statement of Republican Policy Amendment to H.R. 3534, the CLEAR ACT Republican Leader John Boehner America Facing Higher Energy Costs, Fewer Jobs Under Dems’ Energy Bill Boehner: Dems Exploit Gulf Tragedy for Job-Destroying Tax on American Energy House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence Pence Warns of Democrats’ New Job-Killing Energy Bill…

Federalization in CLEAR Act Usurps States Rights To Regulate Own Waters

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A massive federal power grab is included in the Democrat’s CLEAR Act in the form of a provision that requires the federal government to take over energy permitting in state waters. This is in response to the oil spill that occurred in federal waters and was supposed to be regulated by the federal government? It has absolutely nothing to do with states. The mismanagement, corruption and…

Eliminating Liability Limits Kills Independent Producers Could Cost 300,000 Jobs, $147 Billion in Revenue

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In a move that could further deteriorate the Gulf’s economy, the CLEAR Act would set unlimited liability on offshore operators.  While there is bipartisan agreement on the need for Congress to address and adjust existing liability caps, the unintended consequences of completely eliminating the cap could cost hundreds of thousands of American jobs. Small, independent oil and gas producers…

Will the Senate Once Again Leave House Dems High and Dry?

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Although the House is expected to vote tomorrow on “oil spill” legislation (The CLEAR Act), things aren’t going as well over on the other side of the Capitol.  According to The Hill: “Senate Democrats and Republicans appear on a collision course that would sink chances of passing oil-spill and energy legislation amid disagreements over both substance and process.” House…