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Local Alaskan Witnesses Highlight Job Creation, Deficit Reduction, and Economic Growth from ANWR Energy Production

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Today, during a Full Committee oversight hearing on “ANWR: Jobs, Energy and Deficit Reduction,” Members of the Committee will hear testimony from a number of local Alaskans who would be directly impacted by increased American energy production, job creation and economic growth with the opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Below are excerpts from their testimony as they…

After 20 Years, Improvements and Updates Must be Made to the Endangered Species Act

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Today, the House will take up H.R. 2584, the FY 2012 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, which includes language to restrict the listing of endangered species and habitat designations to allow for the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to be updated and reauthorized. This provision will refocus efforts on endangered species recovery and help…

Obama Administration Taps SPR in Short-term Political Reaction, Ignores Job Creating Potential of New American Energy Production

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In a blatant admission that increasing the world oil supply will affect prices, the Obama Administration today released 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). However, the SPR is not a political tool; it is intended for emergency situations when there is a dramatic shortfall in world oil supplies – which is not currently the case. The question must be…

The Importance of Critical Minerals in Our Everyday Lives

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The Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources will hold a hearing tomorrow to examine our domestic supplies of strategic and critical minerals and the growing need to develop our own resources to improve national security and further our energy independence. Critical and strategic minerals are fundamental components of technologies and everyday items ranging from cell phones, building…

A Closer Look at President Obama’s Baby Steps on U.S. Drilling

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With 69 percent of Americans supporting increased offshore drilling, it’s no surprise that President Obama recently shifted positions in his weekly address and is now embracing increased oil and natural gas production as an answer to rising gasoline prices. While the President’s announcement generated headlines, a closer examination of the actual proposals shows that it’s big on hype and…

Organizations Support Republican Legislation to Expand American Energy Production, Create Jobs, and Lower Prices

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Over 50 groups from across the country are calling for passage of Republican legislation to expand American energy production. From groups focused on economic development to seniors issues to fiscal conservatism, these organizations have come together to support three offshore energy bills (H.R. 1229, 1230 and 1231) that the House will begin voting on this week to create jobs, lower…

President Asks for Report on “Use it or Lose it,” Interior Department Concocts Definitions to Grab Headlines

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In a press conference earlier this month to deflect criticism on rising gasoline prices, President Obama asked the Department of the Interior (DOI) to produce a report on the status of U.S. energy leases. DOI yesterday produced that report, which invents new definitions in order to generate headlines that two-thirds of offshore leases are “inactive” – a claim that President Obama will…

Fact Checking the Obama Administration’s Energy Production Claims

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As prices at the pump climb towards the $4 mark, the Obama Administration has turned its SPIN machine to HIGH in an effort to deflect mounting public anger over the high cost of gasoline. The Administration is spinning numbers on U.S. oil and natural gas production to make the public believe their anti-energy policies have actually spurred energy development. In reality, the…

Obama Administration Turns Spin Cycle up to High with Latest “Fact Sheet” on U.S. Energy Production

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The White House won’t let facts stand in the way when it comes to American energy production as they continue to piggyback on predecessors’ pro-energy policies. Yesterday, the White House turned their SPIN machine to HIGH in their second attempt in as many days (see White House blog) to deflect mounting public anger over high gasoline prices. Today, the Administration is spinning numbers…

Obama Administration Spins U.S. Oil Production Numbers, Takes Credit for Predecessors’ Pro-Energy Policies

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This week, under mounting public pressure as gasoline prices near the $4 mark, the White House published a blog post touting increased domestic oil production. The Administration was in full SPIN mode, taking credit for actions that were put in place before they took office and ducking forecasts of declining U.S. oil production caused by their own actions that have blocked American energy…