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Democrat Controlled Senate: Where New American Jobs and Energy Bills Go To Collect Dust

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Just before the August District Work Period, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 6082, a bill to replace President Obama’s no-new-jobs, no-new-drilling plan with a robust plan that offers lease sales in specific areas known to contain the most oil and natural gas resources, to create tens of thousands of new American jobs and increase American energy production. This bipartisan vote…

President Obama Makes History – Offers Lowest Number of Offshore Lease Sales EVER

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The non-partisan Congressional Research Service this week released a new report comparing President Obama's offshore drilling lease plan for 2012-2017 with previous plans offered over the last 30 years by prior Administrations. As the chart below shows, the 15 lease sales in President Obama's new plan represent the lowest number of lease sales ever offered in a plan since the process…

Fact Check: Legislation Needed to Protect & Secure U.S. Border on Federal Lands

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Today, as part of the Conservation and Economic Growth Act, the House will consider a measure by National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Subcommittee Chairman Rob Bishop (UT-01) to enhance border security on federal lands along the U.S. border. Title XIV is a common sense measure to ensure that Border Patrol has access to federal lands along the border and is not prohibited from doing…

Law Enforcement, Recreation, Farming and Ranching Organizations Say Border Security Legislation is Badly Needed

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Today, the House will consider the Conservation and Economic Growth Act, a package of fourteen Natural Resources Committee bills that will create new American jobs, grow the economy, and protect the environment. Title XIV of the package will include H.R. 1505, the National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act, legislation that enhances border security by ensuring that Border Patrol…

Millions of Taxpayer Dollars Spent on Endangered Species Act Litigation and Attorney Fees

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According to data recently obtained from the Department of Justice (DOJ) in response to document requests, the federal government has defended more than 570 Endangered Species Act (ESA)-related lawsuits costing U.S. taxpayers more than $15 million in attorney fees – in just the past four years. This data provides further evidence that the ESA has become litigation driven, where money and…

What They're Saying About Federal Regulations on Hydraulic Fracturing

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The Obama Administration today announced new regulations on hydraulic fracturing on federal and Indian lands. Tribal leaders, State officials and energy job creators have already testified at numerous Natural Resources Committee hearings explaining how new federal regulations will cost jobs, slow energy production and cause economic harm.

Congress Must Act Now to Stop Bureaucratic Threats to Hunting and Fishing

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Today the House of Representatives will consider H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012. The ability of sportsmen to hunt, fish and shoot on public lands is currently being threatened by actions of the Obama Administration and activist environmental groups. Proposals to block access to public land and ban certain types of ammunition would cost jobs and cause economic harm in…

CRS Confirms What Everyone but President Obama Knows: U.S. Oil Production Increasing On Non-Federal Lands

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As gasoline prices hit an all time high for March, President Obama is taking a politically driven “tour de farce” around the country trying to convince voters he is responsible for increased American oil and natural gas production. Yet he’s conveniently leaving out the important detail that increased production is taking place on non-federal land, as confirmed by two recent reports. …

5 Energy Questions for President Obama

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This afternoon President Obama will hold a press conference to discuss, among other issues, rising gas prices. Here are five questions President Obama should answer regarding his Administration’s energy policy: Gas prices have doubled since you took office and the average price of gas has already surpassed $4 in some areas. Will you now support a bipartisan plan passed by the House…

Subcommittee to Examine Obama Administration's Effort to Write New Coal Mining Regulation and the Ultimate Cost to Taxpayers

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Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources will hold an oversight hearing on the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement’s (OSM) Fiscal Year 2013 budget. The hearing will also be an opportunity to focus on the Obama Administration’s actions to initiate a rewrite of coal mining regulations that direct analysis by contractors hired to conduced the rewrite say could…