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Wall Street Journal Editorial: Fishing for Wildlife Lawsuits

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"The Interior Department's Fish and Wildlife Service has resurrected a Clinton-era tactic known as 'sue and settle.' With this strategy, outside green groups friendly to the Administration sue the government, demanding a particular regulatory action. The agency happily forswears court and sits down with the plaintiffs to reach a settlement." Fishing for Wildlife Lawsuits March 10,…

Memo Shows Energy Workers Earn More, Receive Larger Annual Raises

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A Congressional Research Service (CRS) memo released this week shows that wages for workers in oil and gas extraction have increased over 23% since 2007. During a time period in which the U.S. has faced dire unemployment rates, rampant job loss, and near economic collapse, workers in the oil and gas industry have continued to see above average increases in earnings.  The oil and…

Governors Ask Interior Nominee to Reconsider Atlantic Drilling

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Today, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, and Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell sent a letter to Interior Secretary Nominee Sally Jewell asking for a re-examination of the Administration’s policies towards energy exploration and production on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The Administration has continually blocked access to energy…

Wall Street Journal: Gasoline Costs Hit Families' Finances

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Gasoline Costs Hit Families' Finances February 5, 2013 Wall Street Journal By Tennille Tracy Gasoline prices took a big bite out of Americans' pocketbooks in 2012. The average U.S. household paid an estimated $2,912 for gasoline last year, sucking up nearly 4% of the average household income before taxes, according to government data out Monday. That is the highest percentage in…

H.R. 527, The Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act, Receiving Early Support from Hi-tech Manufacturers

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Manufacturers of computer chips, fiber-optic cables, semi-conductors, life-saving medical imaging devices, and other advanced technologies are already calling for passage of H.R. 527, The Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act. This bipartisan legislation, introduced this week by Chairman Doc Hastings, would prevent the closure of the Federal Helium Reserve, which by law is…

Wildfire prevention is 1st priority in new Congress

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Wildfire prevention is 1st priority in new Congress Glenwood Springs Post Independent Rep. Scott Tipton January 14, 2013 As we begin the 113th Congress, I'm incredibly honored to have earned the trust of the people of the 3rd Congressional District and to serve as their representative for a second term. During my first term, I focused on advancing the issues that most directly…