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Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: McClatchy – Sean Cockerham: “Oil from proposed Keystone pipeline could end up exported” Vancouver Observer – Jenny Uechi: “Keystone XL bill approved by House Committee” USA Today – Susan Davis: “Boehner-led cost-cutting saving millions in the House” Fuel Fix – Jennifer A. Dlouhy:…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Washington Examiner editorial: “Keystone obstructions show how environmental extremism hobbles the economy” UPI: “Keystone XL bill clears House committee” Tri-City Herald: “U.S. House committee approves B Reactor Park at Hanford” Salt Lake Tribune – Thomas Burr: “House panel wants to…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  The Hill – Julian Hattem: “GOP criticizes EPA comments on Keystone XL path” Fuel Fix – Dan X. McGraw: “When is the price of gasoline too high?” Associated Press: “Sea otter population more than doubles in southeast Alaska” Associated Press – Kathryn Haake: “Lawmakers kill water…

Linked: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Support Keystone XL Pipeline

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A new poll of American and Canadian residents show that 74% of Americans and 68% of Canadians support the Keystone XL pipeline. The study, conducted by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Nanos Research, shows that energy security is a higher priority for most Americas compared to other related issues such as reducing…

ICYMI: Deseret News Editorial Supporting Bishop’s EPIC Act

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The Deseret News has an editorial today supporting Public Lands and Environmental Regulation Subcommittee Chairman Rob Bishops’ legislation to improve the Antiquities Act. H.R. 1459, the Ensuring Public Involvement in the Creation (EPIC) of National Monuments Act, would improve public participation in the establishment of National Monuments through the application of the National…

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  News Bonners Ferry OpEd – Rep. Raul Labrador: “Time to bring certainty to rural communities”  E&E – Phil Taylor: “Panel to review bill approving U.S.-Mexico transboundary agreement” E&E – Nick Juliano: “Natural Resources to approve pipeline legislation this week” …

Breakfast Links

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The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up:  E&E – John McArdle: “Administration's final ocean plan sparks Hill debate on whether it streamlines or burdens agencies” E&E – Phil Taylor: “House Republicans introduce bill to approve U.S.-Mexico transboundary agreement” Billings Gazette – Rob Chaney: “Tribal ownership,…