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112th Congress Hearing Archives

Full Committee Oversight Hearing on "Harnessing American Resources to Create Jobs and Address Rising Gasoline Prices: Impacts on Businesses and Families"

Full Committee

1324 Longworth House Office Building
Thursday, March 31, 2011
10:00 a.m.

  • Official hearing transcript
  • Press Release - Natural Resources Committee Examines Impacts of Rising Gasoline Prices on Families and Businesses Across the Country (3/30/2011)
  • Committee Action - Chairman Hastings Announces Hearings on Rising Gasoline Prices and America’s Energy Resources (3/7/2011)


  • "Harnessing American Resources to Create Jobs and Address Rising Gasoline Prices: Impacts on Businesses and Families"


The Honorable Doc Hastings


Panel I

The Honorable Bill Graves
President & CEO
American Trucking Association
(Truth in Testimony Form)

Karen Alderman Harbert
Chief Executive Officer
Institute for 21st Century Energy
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
(Truth in Testimony Form)

Don Shawcroft
Colorado Farm Bureau
(Truth in Testimony Form)

Michael J. Fox
Executive Director
Gasoline & Automotive Service Dealers of America, Inc.
(Truth in Testimony Form)


This hearing is the second in a series that will examine the impact of high gasoline prices on the economy and what role the development of federal energy resources can play in reducing the cost of gasoline, creating private sector jobs and help to reduce the Nation’s debt. The Committee will hear testimony from organizations representing the trucking industry, agriculture, independent gasoline and service station businesses and the National Chamber of Commerce on the impact of high gasoline prices on their businesses and ultimately the American consumer.

Other Hearings in the Series:

  • Hearing - Full Committee Oversight Hearing on "Harnessing American Resources to Create Jobs and Address Rising Gasoline Prices: Domestic Resources and Economic Impacts" held on Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 1324 Longworth House Office Building.

  • Hearing - Full Committee Oversight Hearing on "Harnessing American Resources to Create Jobs and Address Rising Gasoline Prices - Part III: Impacts on Seniors, Working Families and Memorial Day Vacations" held on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 1324 Longworth House Office Building.