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Press Release

Bishop Statement Following F.B.I. Arrests in Puerto Rico

Today, Ranking Republican Rob Bishop (R-Utah) released the following statement on the developments concerning Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló, arrests conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the ongoing work of the Financial Oversight and Management Board, established under the “Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act” (PROMESA), to advance financial stability and economic recovery for the island.     

 “The indictments in Puerto Rico and the Governor’s reaction are unfortunate distractions from the work that must be done to correct the island’s financial crisis and build an economic future. Indictments of fraud and corruption leveled against local government officials serve only to further a reputation of mistrust. This is the very reason Congress created the PROMESA board in the first place.

 “These distractions make it difficult for Jenniffer González-Colón, Puerto Rico’s representative in Congress, to alleviate the stresses of her constituents and quicken economic recovery.  To her credit, she is working effectively on behalf of Puerto Rico despite these roadblocks which have been put in her way. Her work, and the island’s rehabilitation, is further sabotaged when local government fails to work in good faith with the PROMESA Board.

 “PROMESA is the correct tool to lead recovery. The Governor and local leaders must embrace these tools and work together with the Oversight Board to restore the confidence which has been lost. Puerto Rico has a bright future, but stability is fully dependent on local leaders working with, not against, the PROMESA Board.”