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Op-Eds and Speeches

Deseret News: Rob Bishop: Changing the Dialogue on Public Lands from 'The Problem' to 'Our Problem'

Deseret News

"As the chairman of the Natural Resources Committee, I have a responsibility to conduct oversight of Department of the Interior and its nine constituent bureaus that are responsible for protecting our national parks and natural resources, managing federal lands, producing impactful research and carrying out various activities to fulfill the federal government’s trust responsibility to Native American tribes."

"Top-down Soviet-style centralized bureaucracies are known to fail. Interior headquarters has not seen a substantial reorganization in decades and is not positioned efficiently to meet the demands of innovation and change in the 21st century. While Zinke’s final proposals are a work in progress, I applaud his willingness to take on defenders of the entrenched status quo for the greater good."

"Transforming a distant bureaucracy to ensure people have a voice in decisions that impact their livelihoods is our only path to accountable, effective and transparent government. At the Department of the Interior, let’s create a government closest to the people that serves them better."