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Press Release

Committee Passes Locally Driven Land Exchange Bill to Promote Economic Development in Nevada

Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources passed H.R. 1107, the “Pershing County Economic Development and Conservation Act.” Introduced by Rep. Mark Amodei (R-NV), the bill codifies a bipartisan agreement between major stakeholders in Pershing County, Nevada to benefit conservation, improve federal land management and promote economic development.

“This bipartisan, locally-driven land exchange comes after a decade of thoughtful and inclusive negotiations. The delicate balance of recreation, economic development and conservation can be found by listening to communities and engaging all stakeholders. I commend Rep. Amodei for his leadership on this issue as he continues to be a voice for the ranchers, sportsmen, conservationists and residents of Pershing County,” Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) said.

Thank you to the Committee Members and their staff for taking prompt action to advance this bipartisan piece of legislation for the people of Pershing County. The speed with which it’s moved through the legislative process in the first quarter of the 115th Congress is gratifying and I’m grateful,” Rep. Amodei said.

I am pleased the House Natural Resources Committee today approved the Pershing County Economic Development and Conservation Act, a bill that is the result of grassroots efforts to increase economic development in Pershing County while protecting Nevada’s landscape,” Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) stated. “I appreciate Congressman Amodei’s leadership alongside every member of Nevada’s House delegation, and I’ll continue to work with my colleagues to move this bipartisan bill, which has overwhelming support in Pershing County, through the legislative process.”


H.R. 1107 consolidates checkerboard land previously identified for disposal, conveys land for mining and public purposes, creates new Wilderness Areas and releases certain Wilderness Study Areas, to benefit conservation, recreation and economic development in Pershing County. This bill is supported by the entire Nevada Delegation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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