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Press Release

Bishop Outlines Early Agenda Items During Organizational Meeting

Committee Adopts Rules, Oversight Plan for 115th Congress

Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources held its Organizational Meeting for the 115th Congress. During the meeting, Members adopted a rules package and oversight plan for the session.

“This Committee has played an important role at the beginning of this session with the Congressional Review Act. We will play an important role as we pivot toward infrastructure proposals, which is not just about investment but also regulatory burden. When we do the budget reconciliation, this Committee will also have a significant role,” Chairman Rob Bishop said in his opening statement.

From empowering states, tribes and local communities to enhancing land, water, energy and resource management, the list of things on our Committee’s agenda to accomplish is long and the work is important,” Bishop added.

Chairman’s opening statement as prepared for delivery is available HERE.

The adopted Committee Rules for the 115th Congress are available HERE.

The adopted Committee Oversight Plan for the 115th Congress is available HERE.