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Press Release

Bishop on Methane Rule: Regulation In Search of Legacy – at the Expense of People

Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement on the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) methane venting rule:

“For close to a decade, we’ve witnessed unprecedented energy growth alongside steady reductions in emissions driven by innovation – not federal intervention. Emissions nose-dived as people thrived producing their own energy-rich lands. This latest oppressive rule by President Obama will only serve to curb our nation’s energy potential through these duplicative and cost-prohibitive measures. Rather than making energy cleaner or more affordable, this proposed rule will further dissuade and expel producers from federal land. The regulation merely checks off an item on the list of priorities for far left national special interest groups in the waning months of this White House. Though it is getting hard to envision, somewhere there is someone or something the Obama gang doesn't want to regulate.”

ICYMI:  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): “[T]he rapid deployment of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal-drilling technologies, which has increased and diversified the gas supply and allowed for a more extensive switching of power and heat production from coal to gas …is an important reason for a reduction of GHG emissions in the United States.”